Saturday, August 30, 2008

Beating the Lack of Energy Due to Chemotherapy

A cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy suffers from side-effects like hair loss, vomiting tendency, loss of appetite and mouth sores. When they suffer this pain they take it as a package deal with the treatment and bear the pain throughout the treatment session. They feel that all the patients who undergo chemotherapy have to bear this traumatic condition which not only weakens the body but also affects the mental state of the person and snatches away the desire to live.

The patient feels lethargic and losses all energy. He feels tired and weak even if he does a light work; this is because chemotherapy treatment adversely affects the healthy red and white blood corpuscles and destroys them. The body takes its own time to repair the damage. During that period the patient feels as though his body has been drained of all energy and this makes him weak which also develops the lethargic feeling.

All the adverse effects of chemotherapy can be warded off by taking herbal drugs made by combining many herbs which have the potentiality to rejuvenate the healthy cells and bring them up to their normal level. It has two fold effects, the person is saved from the agony of the dangerous side-effects and the healthy white cells, that is the bodies armed force fights against the cancerous cells and helps in the process of eliminating them.

The natural herbs work efficiently as they are combined together which increases their potentiality. Nearly 15 natural herbs having the potential to fight cancer are combined to form the drug. The effect of the combination is more on the body which helps the body to recover rapidly and overcome the adverse effects of chemotherapy. If these herbs are taken individually they might not prove to be as effective as a single herb does not contain all the anti-oxidant properties.

These herbal drugs can be taken prior to the commencement of the chemotherapy and can be continued during the treatment and also after the completion of the chemotherapy treatment. The herbal drug can be taken without the fear of facing any side effect as it has been scientifically proved that herbs do not have any adverse effect on the body. A patient can take the advantage of both the medical and the herbal treatment and relieve his body from a terminating disease to lead a healthy life.

Chemotherapy and Reflexology

Reflexology is a zonal therapy and a science in which skillful manipulation is applied to the individually identified points on the body for stimulation of each functional system or parts of the body. These stimulation areas are basically located on the feet and the hands. It can help alleviating many problems in natural way. Reflexes are generated due to the manipulation of the response focal points on the body for each functional system for the resultant response. These response focal points have been effectively used in getting relief from a wide range of ailments with no chance of adverse side effects, otherwise, inevitable in case of chemotherapy. It has proved beneficial in rendering stress, pain, anxiety and nausea.

The first evidence of efficacy of the reflexology lies in innumerable corroborations by the patients endorsing easy relaxation followed by the quick and soothing feeling. Besides this, there are endorsements from the patients of great relief with positive results in treatment of cancer with no chances of any kind of side effect. There have been stories and claims that since reflexology eliminate toxins of the body, chemotherapy ceases to be effective.

It is reported that the patients at the large get the ability to cope up with chemotherapy and the related side effects. The oncology units of Charring Cross Hospital, Lister Hospital, Hammersmith Hospital and Harley Street Clinic are a few among many who have adopted using reflexology as a complementary therapy. As an endorsement to the efficacy and god results, many Macmillan cancer relief hospices and day care centers have inducted the technique in their treatment routine.

The technique has one good seriously helping the patients of lymphoedma (swelling of limbs) patients, after surgical removal of lymph glands by improving the circulation and the flow of lymph. Certain cases of lymphodeoma are quite painful due to accumulation of the fluids. In such cases reflexology techniques have proved to be good supportive action to induce flow or lymphatic drainage. It has been also found improve circulation, cause relaxation and better breathing.
Apart from effects in cases of lymphatic problems, there have been reports where other health related issues were addressed by the reflexology. There are reports of tackling weight loss, improving circulations, prostrates problems, hyperthyroidism, and several minor diseases.

It is important that the patients must voice their problems openly, and accept or endorse good effects of a treatment freely, just not confining to there the experience only with close ones for a larger benefit.

Lung Cancer - Symptoms You Should Look Out For!

The implications of lung cancer are fatal and hence its seriousness cannot be undermined. Though steps cannot always be taken to prevent the disease, its symptoms can be understood and the paranoia reduced. A basic awareness of lung cancer symptoms can help us combat the disease.

The following are the frequently reported symptoms of lung cancer:

* The shortness of breath, which is more commonly known as dyspnea, is a symptom. Though excessive physical activity warrants dyspnea, it is also a lung cancer symptom.
* The coughing up of blood, which is medically known as hemoptysis, is an indication. It should not be confused with hematemesis, which denotes blood vomiting.
* An ache while coughing could be a warning. When there is an uncommon change in the pattern of coughing, lung cancer should be suspected.
* Weight loss, extreme exhaustion and a lack of desire for food, also called cachexia, can also be considered a symptom.
* Chest pain, which again is associated with heart disease and other medial causes, is a sign of lung cancer.

The following are the less common symptoms of lung cancer:

* Hoarseness in voice, medically termed as cachexia, is an indication the disease.
* A complication in swallowing, also known as dysphagia, is yet another sign. Though painful swallowing could also be classified under odynophagia, dysphagia should not be ruled out.
* Swelling of the face and the neck could be a sign of lung cancer. Where swelling in the neck arises due to bloated lymph nodes, the main blood vessel blockage from the head is the reason for facial swelling.
* Deformity in fingers and fingernails, also known as finger clubbing could be an uncommon lung cancer symptom.
* Apart from dyspnea, the shortness of breath could also be caused by pleural effusion. Pleural effusion is uncommon and denotes fluid around the lungs.
* Cancer that spreads itself at the upper lung is called pancoast tumor. This tumor could lead to a shoulder pain, pain in the bones, muscle weakness, weakening eyelids and a decrease in the sweating on a side of the face.

There are certain lung cancer symptoms, which are considered odd. These odd symptoms occur due to the unwelcome hormones brought about by lung cancer. These are:

* Protrusion of the eyes
* Numbness in the fingers, hands or legs
* Manifestation of lumps in the skin
* Changing sugar levels and an excruciating pain in the abdomen
* Swelling of breasts in men
* Manifestation of a lump in the tonsil or a salivary gland

It is important to look out for the common, uncommon as well as the rare symptoms of lung cancer. The doctors should be notified immediately so that they perform a diagnosis and clarify the underlying cause. Establishment of the cause, whether lung cancer or not, could hasten the treatment and lead to the betterment of the patients.

The Miracle Cure - Does Red Rice Cure Cancer?


It has been widely reported in the press that a possible "miracle cure" for cancer has been discovered in Chinese food. Not only that, there are also claims that the chemical concerned can help cure heart disease.


The miracle component is an extract of red yeast rice and is that which gives dishes such as Peking Duck its distinctive red colour. Scientists have claimed that if their findings are correct, it could CUT CANCER DEATHS BY A STAGGERING TWO-THIRDS and HEART DISEASE BY A THIRD.

In terms of heart disease, scientists feel that the extract has the potential to play an important part in improving heart health as initial findings indicate that it's performance is better than statins, the traditional drugs prescribed routinely for the treatment of high cholesterol.

When given to patients who had already suffered from at least one heart attack, the chances of a repeat attack were reduced by an amazing 45%.

No individual results are available for the types of cancers which were treated in the study group. However, scientists claimed to be "confident" that the initial findings are significant.

A leading doctor, David Capuzzi gave the following warning though.

"It is important to recognize that we do not know exactly how Chinese red yeast rice works...the capsules used in the study were carefully prepared for the research and are not the same as the red yeast supplements available in health food stores"

He and other doctors have strongly warned against buying over the counter supplements to self-medicate saying that these would not have the same effect. In addition, doctors have confirmed that consuming huge quantities of red rice would not be beneficial. Indeed either of these two practices could be dangerous.

We can only await further findings with great interest. I, for one, will be keeping a very close eye on developments.


Although I am very much an advocate of alternative therapies and treatments, personally I would never recommend omitting standard medical and surgical treatments for cancer. However, I do feel that alternative complementary therapies can work very well alongside traditional treatments and a book I have discovered recently exemplifies this perfectly.


In addition, the price includes 3 further ebooks completely free of charge.

Here is the total package:

NATURAL CANCER TREATMENTS - The most comprehensive book of its kind anywhere in the world. Over 350 treatments and 400 fully-indexed pages with a comprehensive table of contents enabling you to quickly locate information.

I BEAT CANCER- A directory of over 2000 cases including people telling their own stories of how they beat cancer using natural and alternative treatments. All cancer types are covered.

HOW SUCCESSFUL ARE CONVENTIONAL CANCER TREATMENTS - An inside look at the scientific basis for conventional cancer treatments. The observations and studies from experts will startle and unsettle you but will help you on your own quest for answers and additional knowledge to help you beat your cancer.

WHO CAN HELP ME WHEN I HAVE CANCER - This report will immediately put you in touch with people who care and can offer effective help to assist you beat your cancer.

The information is both comprehensive and mindblowing at the same time. The testimonials are quite amazing.
Bill Henderson, the author of Cancer Free and Cancer Free Newsletter says "The best reference books on alternative cancer treatments. What a treasure for cancer patients and caregivers!"

"Everything you ever wanted to know about alternative cancer treatment is contained in this unique guide" Karen Beattie, Author of Natural Cancer Treatments That Work

At such a difficult and sensitive time, it is essential to have all the means to hand to combat this condition and these books provide comprehensive and workable remedies and, it is claimed, strategies for curing cancer.


Friday, August 29, 2008

Killing the Killer Cancer

The number of people who die from cancer each year is more than the addition of HIV/AIDS malaria and tuberculosis combined together.The human body inhibits various forms of grwoth.The benign forms do not have the ability to spread to distant organs is not referred to as cancer. A typical example is the fibroid or uterine fibroma. However the growth of cells that have acquired the property of multiplying and spreading by various means of blood vessels or lymphatic channels to other organs like the lungs or bones are named as malignant cancers. The other human induced causes of cancer include smoking which is associated with lung cancer, Radiation to sarcomas and leukemia and other various viruses. Cancer often implicates a genetic element in the body during its development.

The Oxford Medical dictionary says that in half of all the cancerous developments a gene named as P53 is deleted or impaired which prevents the uncontrolled division of cells in the body, thus disabling the bodies fight against spread of cancer. The p54 is a gene which in the event of mutilation would form a gene called ontogeny which is capable of both initiation and continuation of malignant transformation of normal cells. It probably produces proteins which are growth factors regulating cell division that, under certain conditions become uncontrolled and may transform a normal cell to a malignant cell. Recent trials of gene therapy that involved replacing the ontogeny with the normal version of the gene have had limited success.

A cancer treatment often depends on the type of the tumor, the location of primary tumor and the extent of its spread. Some experts cite the early detection of the disease is the only cure for this disease. Here the cure defiles itself as the state of inability of the abnormal cells to grow and spread in the body.Those remains in the body in a state of suspended animation until death. There have been occasions where an absolute cure can be achieved by the removal of the cancer from the body by surgery. Here the grade of the malignancy can be determined due to the act of defining the stage, type or degree of cellular division. If the cancer is in early stages then it is hoped that almost all of it has been cut or excised and adequate radio therapy to the area where the tumor is can further assure the patient of satisfactory results of the surgery.

Specialized drugs though toxic to the cells provide useful adjuvant chemotherapy to the patients. Due to the toxic nature their selection has to be careful so that the patient can avail of their full treatment to get cured. Since inappropriate dosages can end up being toxic to 'good cells' of the blood and the gastro-intestinal tract. Specialized counters have been made for the the supply and distribution of these drugs, not a ordinary pharmaceutical medicine you find at any medical store.

The best ways of curing cancer include early detection of it through surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. They have been bringing a hope to all patients suffering from cancer. Cancer management is a tedious tasks often a multidisciplinary approach involving surgeons, physicians, medical and radiological oncologists, pathologists, nursing care as well as palliative doctors. Management of cancer from the earliest time of discovery must be regarded as a palliative procedure even if a cure is envisioned. Continuous counseling and maintenance of life style, including adequate dieting, is extremely important in the patients' continued well being. Support and motivation are always a vital part of any treatment. All these with a small magical thing called as hope can often help fight the worst cases of cancer on this planet. Take Lance Armstrong as an example. How did he do it?

A Meningioma Brain Tumor Diagnosis Needn't Be the End of the World!

Let's face it, on the list of scary things that can happen to someone, being diagnosed with a meningioma type brain tumor has got to be pretty high on anyones list. But, whether it's happened to you or to a loved one, a meningioma brain tumor diagnosis needn't be the end of the world.

In the summer of 2006 my wife was suffering from involuntary spasms in her leg. She initially thought this was probably a trapped nerve in her back, (Note to reader:- Unless you're a doctor, self diagnosis is a big no-no)!

When this started to happen on a fairly regular basis it became more than a little annoying and so a trip to the doctors was arranged. Thankfully we have a very good doctor who decided as a first option rather than a last one, to arrange an MRI scan. But an MRI scan on the head and not her back, where she had thought the problem may be!

The MRI scan was carried out and being rather optimistic by nature, we both thought that it would reveal nothing and that it would then be a case of physiotherapy or some such treatment. What happened next changed our lives overnight. A meningioma brain tumor was diagnosed as being the cause of the 'kicking leg' effect.

To say we were both shell shocked would be an understatement. When someone tells you you have a brain tumor, the automatic first thought is that you are going to die. Period. I know that was true for my wife and I'd be less than honest if I said that it wasn't the first thought in my head as well.

I believe it is the case that benign meningiomas are far more common in women than they are in men.

The fact is though, that a meningioma type brain tumor can be one of the most operable type of tumors there is. Also, they are most often benign, which was the case for my wife.

After the initial shock had subsided a little, we started to try to think positive again. We made an appointment with the neurosurgeon and my first question to him was, "how much pain will my wife experience?" His answer came as quite a surprise.

"No pain", he said. This man was exactly the sort of person you would want if someone was going to open up your skull and start delving around inside! He was the epitome of the word 'calm'. He exuded such a relaxed attitude to the whole affair that he instilled a great deal of confidence in both of us. We both began to feel that perhaps a meningioma brain tumor diagnosis was not going to mean the end of the world after all.

And so it proved. The 5 hour operation was a completed success. The meningioma was removed in one piece and after a few days in intensive care my wife was moved to a general ward area of the hospital to complete her recovery.

I kept asking her if she was in any pain and always the answer was "no". In fact we now look back and laugh at the fact that the most pain she experienced during the entire hospital stay was indigestion from the hospital food!

Within 10 days my wife was back home and the day after that she was back working on her computer. I tried to stop her but she wanted to do it, saying she was bored and just wanted to get back to normal.

So although it's a very scary thing to be told, a meningioma brain tumor diagnosis need not be the end of the world.

Cancer Approach and Treatment

Cancer which is one of the top three causes of mortality (death) in developed countries . There are more than one hundred types of cancer which affects various tissues & organs, blood and lymphatics and skin. There is a sense of despair, anger, anxiety when someone is diagnosed with cancer because many people associate cancer with suffering, pain and ultimately death. Modern medicine has made great strides in the war against certain types of cancer like childhood leukemia, skin, prostate and colon cancer but not against others like lung, brain, pancreas and liver cancer.

The likelihood of cure increase with early diagnosis and treatment i.e before the cancer has grown to large enough size that press against and cause damage to neighboring tissues and organs. The other concern is that the cancer has already metastasize (spread) to neighboring and distant tissues and organs. General symptoms of cancer include persistent fatigue, unintentional weight loss, prolonged fever or infection, and changes to the skin ( jaundice, darkening of skin, abnormal hair growth, skin itchiness).

Cancer is a very difficult disease to treat because it is a disease that involve your cell genes that control cell multiplication. Survival rate (doctors call it remission) varies depending on type and stage of cancer. For example about 49 percent, or about half, of people diagnosed with early-stage lung cancer live for at least five years after diagnosis. The five-year survival rate for people diagnosed with lung cancer that has spread (metastasized) to other areas of the body is 3 percent. Of the survived cases about 90% is due to surgery and balance by chemotherapy or radiotherapy. There are pros and cons using chemotherapy or radiotherapy is readily available on the internet . Both of these treatment as they can cause side effects or worse still cause secondary cancer.

The human body can defend itself against bacteria and viruses and even kill cancer cells through intervention of our immune system. Chemotherapy kills cancer cells as well as other useful cells including immune system cells (white blood cells) which are needed to defend our body against diseases and cancer. When someone has cancer he/she needs to strengthen his/her immune system to fight off the cancer. So chemotherapy cannot be considered as a good treatment for cancer and the same applies to radiotherapy. Furthermore doctors cannot detect cancer via X-Ray or MRI when it is smaller than 1 centimeter in size which is equivalent to 1,000 million cancer cells. So if a person has say 10 million cancer cells remaining in his/her body after chemotherapy or radiotherapy, doctors will say that the cancer is in remission as it can't be detected. But don't be surprised when a cancer patient suffer a relapse even after a remission.

To understand how to treat cancer we need to know why normal cells that make up tissues and organs become cancerous. Normal cells when continuously exposed for years to toxic environment become cancerous in order to survive. Reason being cancer cells have higher survival rate compared to normal cells as cancer cells thrives in anaerobic (lack of oxygen) environment, can generate its own blood vessels to supply nutrients, able to multiply more rapidly, can disguise itself from immune system cells, can dissolve normal cell walls and invade them, and can produce chemicals to destroy white blood (immune system)cells. In fact cancer cells can survive indefinitely in laboratory while normal cells can multiply about 53 times before it stop and cell death occurs. So the secret to treat cancer is to reverse the toxic environment that finally trigger normal cells to become cancerous. Cleansing of the the cell internal toxic environment and improving blood circulation is the key to reverse cancer.

The Many Feelings of a Diagnosis of Cancer

If you have been recently been given a diagnosis of cancer you are probably experiencing a wide variety of emotions: fear, anger, sadness, guilt, helplessness and anxiety. It is important to deal with these feelings so that they do not hinder you in your fight against the cancer. At some time or another almost all people with cancer will have some or all of the following feelings:

Denial and Disbelief

Newly diagnosed patients sometimes deny that they have cancer. After all, they think, I've not been that sick, how could I have cancer? Denial can be an obstacle to appropriate and timely treatment; you must accept the diagnosis to begin fighting the cancer.


The word cancer stirs up fears in everyone. Fears such as What is going to happen to me? Am I going to survive? Who is going to pay for all this medical care if I am sick? are very common in newly diagnosed cancer patients. Talking with others with cancer can help resolve some of the fears.


Anger may stem from feelings of Why did this happen to me? Anger also comes from the disruption of your life, goals and your dreams. Discussing your feelings with others who are in the same situation can help put these feelings into perspective.

Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are common reactions to a cancer diagnosis and may manifest with physical symptoms such as headaches, difficulty sleeping, and loss of appetite. The immune system may be affected so finding a means to relieve stress is very important. Go get a manicure or a massage, walk, read a good book. Attend a support group; ask your oncologist for a referral to a mental health professional for a consultation if you are not able to cope.

Loss of Control

A cancer diagnosis can make life seem out of control. You can help reduce these feelings of powerlessness by exercising the control you do have over your situation. Increase your knowledge and understanding of the cancer that you are diagnosed with, research your treatment options and the side effects of these treatments.


You may blame yourself for causing your family worry and grief. You may worry about becoming a burden to your family; physically and financially. Support groups and counseling for both the patient and the family, can be helpful in the ability to overcome the destructive impact these feelings can bring.


It is not uncommon for newly diagnosed cancer patients to want to shut out everyone and everything at times but the support from caring friends and family can be a tremendous resource. They may not know how you feel, but they do want to help you.


Many patients with cancer and their families can experience some level of depression. Feelings of dread, hopelessness and a sense that life has no meaning are not uncommon feelings. If you experience symptoms of depression, ask your doctor for a referral to a mental health professional.

It is important to remember that you are not alone in your fight against cancer and to not lose hope. Researchers are constantly making discoveries that one day might result in a cure for cancer. In the meantime, the best hope for successful treatment comes from learning all you can about the details of the cancer diagnosis and the treatment options available. First, find out the name of the cancer, its size and location, where it started and if it has spread. Find out if it's usually a slow growing cancer or an aggressive one. You need this information for get an accurate understanding of your options.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What You Need to Know About Brain Cancer

Malignant brain tumors occur in about 4.5 people per 100,000 population, they may occur at any age but brain cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death in patients younger than age 35. In adults, incidence is generally highest between ages 40 to 60.

There are two main types of brain cancer. Primary cancers start in the brain. Metastatic cancers start somewhere else in the body and moves to the brain. The most common tumor types in adults are gliomas and meningiomas. In children, incidence is generally highest before age 1 and again between ages 2 and 12. The most common types of brain tumour in children are astrocytomas, medulloblastomas, ependymomas and brain stem gliomas.

What causes brain cancer is not exactly known but there has recently been a great deal of speculation on the role of cell phone radiation in the development of cancer. In fact, while studies generally have shown no link between cell phones and brain cancer, there is some conflicting scientific evidence that may be worth additional study, according to the FDA.

More accepted risk factors for brain cancer include; exposure to vinyl chloride and individuals with risk factors such as having a job in an oil refinery, as a chemist, embalmer, or rubber industry worker show higher rates of brain cancer. Other risk factors such as smoking, radiation exposure, and viral infection (HIV) have been suggested but not proven to cause tumors. Patients with a history of melanoma, lung, breast, colon, or kidney cancer are at risk for secondary brain cancer.

Onset of symptoms is usually insidious and brain tumors are often misdiagnosed. Brain Cancers cause central nervous system changes by invading and destroying tissues and by secondary effects such as pressure on the brain. Symptoms vary but in general, symptoms include: Abnormal pulse and breathing rates, deep, dull headaches that recur often and persist without relief for long periods of time, difficulty walking or speaking, dizziness, eyesight problems including double vision, seizures, vomiting and at the late stages of the disorder dramatic changes in blood pressure may occur. Although headaches are often a symptom of brain cancer, it is important to remember that most headaches are due to less serious conditions such as migraine or tension, not cancer.

In most cases a definitive diagnosis is made by a tissue biopsy. Other diagnostic tools include; patient history, a neurologic assessment, skull x-rays, a brain scan, CT scan, MRI, a lumbar puncture and cerebral angiography. Meningiomas, arising from the covering around the brain or spinal cord, account for about 20% of brain cancers and are generally more benign.

How to treat brain tumors depends on the age of the patient, the stage of the disease, the type and location of the tumor, and whether the cancer is a primary tumor or metastases. Brain cancer are somewhat unique because of the blood brain barrier, which severely restricts the types of substances in the bloodstream that are allowed by the body into the brain and makes drug treatment extremely difficult. Because of this more and more research is being undertaken in delivering medication by means of nanoparticles, amongst the properties of nanoparticles that make them ideal candidates for recognizing and treating tumors, their ability to deliver a wide variety of payloads across the blood-brain barrier is perhaps the most important.

Brain cancer's location and ability to spread quickly makes treatment with surgery or radiation like fighting an enemy hiding out among minefields and caves, and explains why the term brain cancer is all too often associated with the word inoperable.

Brain cancer survival statistics for the deadliest of tumors such as gliomas have not improved significantly over the past two decades and the clinical armamentarium is, to a large extent, still dependent on surgery and radiation therapy, treatments known to leave survivors with devastating cognitive deficits. Gamma knife surgery is a radiosurgery technique used to treat people with brain cancer and other neurological disorders

The most deadly form of brain cancer may be treatable with a vaccine that uses proteins. Unlike measles or mumps vaccines, which are meant to prevent disease, the vaccine turns on the patient's own immune system so it will help kill the tumor. When the vaccine is injected, it stimulates the immune system to kill off brain cancer cells and prevent the regrowth of tumors that have already been treated.

The chances of surviving for a person with a brain tumor: Prognosis greatly depends on all of the following: type of tumor extent of the disease size and location of the tumor presence or absence of metastasis the tumor's response to therapy, age, overall health, and medical history, tolerance of specific medications, procedures, or therapies. Metastatic brain cancer indicates advanced disease and has a poor prognosis. Unfortunately, the most common form of primary brain cancer, glioblastoma, is also the most aggressive and lethal but teratomas and other germ cell tumors although they have the capacity to grow very large may have a more favorable prognosis.

Liver Cancer - Incidence, Symptoms, Causation, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prognosis

Liver cancer also known as primary or metastatic hepatic carcinoma is a fairly rare form of cancer in the western world (1% of all cancers) but much more common in Africa and parts of Asia (10% to 50% of all cancers). It is much more prevalent in men and incidence increases with age. Liver cancer is rapidly fatal, usually within 6 months from gastrointestinal hemorrhage, hepatic failure or metastasis.

Most primary liver tumors are known as hepatomas (hepatocellular carcinoma and primary lower cell carcinoma). Some primary liver cancers originate in the bile duct and these are known as cholangiomas. Some rare liver cancers include Kupffer cell sarcoma and hepatoblastomas (which occur almost exclusively in children and are usually respectable and curable). Metastatic liver cancer is 20 times more common than primary liver cancer and after cirrhosis this is the leading form of liver related death.

Liver cancer does not normally cause symptoms until it is in an advanced stage.
Clinical effects of advanced liver cancers include:

1. A mass in the right upper side.
2. Tender, nodular liver on palpation
3. Severe pain in the epigastrium or upper right side
4. Weight loss, anorexia, weakness, fever
5. Occasional jaundice or ascites (fluid in the abdomen)

The exact cause of liver cancer is unknown in adults but in children it may be a genetic disease. Adult liver carcinomas may result from environmental exposure to carcinogens such as mold, contrast media (no longer in use), androgens and oral estrogens, the hepatitis B virus or by damage to the liver due to cirrhosis caused by too much prolonged imbibing of alcohol.

Liver cancer is difficult to diagnose in the presence of cirrhosis, but several tests can help identify it: The combination of an imaging study (ultrasound, CT, or MRI scans) and an elevated blood level of alpha-fetoprotein will most effectively diagnose liver cancer, electrolyte studies may indicate increased sodium retention, a liver biopsy can make a definitive diagnosis.

Treatments for primary liver cancer depend on the extent (stage) of the disease, age, overall health, feelings and personal preferences. Surgery is the most effective treatment for primary liver cancer, but this is not always possible due to the size or position of the tumor. Radiofrequency ablation is an option for people with small, unresectable hepatocellular tumors and for some types of metastatic liver cancers. During this procedure, the hepatic artery (the artery from which liver cancers derive their blood supply) is blocked, and chemotherapy drugs are injected between the blockage and the liver. Cryoablation may be an option for people with inoperable primary and metastatic liver cancers. Removing the whole liver and replacing it with a liver from another person is another possible form of treatment for primary liver cancer.

Even when treatments fail to provide much improvement in the liver cancer itself, pain and other signs and symptoms caused by liver cancer can be aggressively treated to improve quality of life. In general, the treatments available for children are the same as for adults, and the best approach depends on the stage and type of cancer as well as the child's age and overall health.

Monday, August 25, 2008

What is Kidney Cancer?

There are basically three types of kidney cancer:

1. Renal Cell Carcinoma: Renal cell carcinoma is cancer that forms in the lining of very small tubes in the kidney that filter the blood and remove waste products.

2. Renal Pelvis Carcinoma: Renal pelvis carcinoma is cancer that forms in the center of the kidney where urine collects.

3. Wilms Tumor: Wilms tumor usually develops in children under the age of five.

This year, it is estimated that there will be 54,390 new cases diagnosed. It is also estimated that there will be 13,010 deaths caused by the disease.

People are born with two kidneys. One is located on each side of the spine in the lower abdomen. The good news is that people can live full lives with a normal life expectancy with only one. It is important to note here that all tumors found in the kidneys are not cancerous. As a matter of fact, most cancers found are benign.

Most often, renal cell carcinoma and renal pelvis carcinoma develop in people over the age of 40. There is no way to determine who is more likely to develop the disease but there are some factors that raise the risk.

Smoking: Smoking both cigarettes and/or cigars raises the risk of developing all kinds of cancer, including kidney cancer.

Obesity: Obesity seems to be a major risk factor in developing this type if cancer.

Gender: Men are more likely to get the disease than women. About 20,000 men and 12,000 women learn they have kidney cancer each year in the United States.

Occupation: Iron and steel workers and workers who are exposed to asbestos and cadmium are more likely to develop kidney cancer.

What is Cancer - Incidence, Diagnosis, Causation, Symptoms, Treatment and Prognosis

Cancer is second only to cardiovascular disease as the leading cause of death in the Western world. Although Cancer is primarily a disease of the elderly with more than 60% of deaths from cancer occurring in those over the age of 65, cancer can strike even the youngest of children.

Cancer appears to occur when the growth of cells in the body is out of control and cells divide too rapidly. Cancer can develop in almost any organ or tissue, such as the lung, colon, breast, skin, bones, or nerve tissue.

Most common sites are:

Prostrate 24%
Breast 13%
Lung 13%
Colon and Rectum 9%
Bladder 3%
Uterus 2.5%

The cause of Cancer is believed to be a combination of genetic factors and outside carcinogens such as tobacco, viruses, infection, asbestos, vinyl chloride, inappropriate diet.

Cancer often has no specific symptoms, so it is important that you limit your risk factors and undergo appropriate cancer screening. The signs and symptoms will depend on where the cancer is, the size of the cancer, and how much it affects the nearby organs or structures.

If a cancer spreads (metastasizes), then symptoms may appear in different parts of the body. As a cancer grows, it begins to push on nearby organs, blood vessels, and nerves. If the cancer is in a critical area, such as certain parts of the brain, even the smallest tumor can cause early symptoms.

But sometimes cancers start in places where it does not cause any symptoms until the cancer has grown quite large. Pancreatic cancers, for example, do not usually grow large enough to be felt from the outside of the body. By the time a pancreatic cancer causes these signs or symptoms, it has usually reached an advanced stage.

A cancer may also cause symptoms common to many other problems, such as; fever, fatigue and weight loss. This may be because the cancer uses up much of the body's energy or it may cause the release of substances which affect metabolism.

Some lung cancers make hormone-like substances that affect blood calcium levels, affecting nerves and muscles and causing weakness and dizziness.

It is important to know what some of the general (non-specific) signs and symptoms of cancer are, but remember that having any of these does not mean that you have cancer.

Most cancers can be treated and some cured, depending on the specific type, location, and stage. The earlier the cancer is found, the better the prognosis.

A good example of the importance of finding cancer early is melanoma skin cancer. Skin cancer can be easy to remove if it has not grown deep into the skin, and the 5-year survival rate (percentage of people living at least 5 years after diagnosis) at this stage is nearly 100%.

Screening for breast cancer with mammograms has been shown to reduce the average stage of diagnosis of breast cancer in a population. Colorectal cancer can be detected through fecal occult blood testing and colonoscopy, which reduces both colon cancer incidence and mortality, presumably through the detection and removal of pre-malignant polyps. Similarly, cervical cytology testing (using the Pap smear) leads to the identification and excision of precancerous lesions.

Testicular self-examination is recommended for men beginning at the age of 15 years to detect testicular cancer.


Pain may be an early symptom with some cancers such as bone cancers or testicular cancer.

Long-term constipation, diarrhea, or a change in the size of the stool may be a sign of colon cancer.

Pain with urination, blood in the urine, or a change in bladder function (such as more frequent or less frequent urination) could be related to bladder or prostate cancer.

Skin cancers may bleed and look like sores that do not heal.

A long-lasting sore in the mouth could be an oral cancer and should be dealt with right away, especially in patients who smoke, chew tobacco, or frequently drink alcohol.

Sores on the penis or vagina may either be signs of infection or an early cancer, and should not be overlooked.

Unusual bleeding can happen in either early or advanced cancer.

Blood in the sputum (phlegm) may be a sign of lung cancer.

Blood in the stool (or a dark or black stool) could be a sign of colon or rectal cancer.

Blood in the urine may be a sign of bladder or kidney cancer.

A bloody discharge from the nipple may be a sign of breast cancer.

Many cancers can be felt through the skin, mostly in the breast, testicle, lymph nodes (glands), and the soft tissues of the body. A lump or thickening may be an early or late sign of cancer.

While they commonly have other causes, indigestion or swallowing problems may be a sign of cancer of the esophagus, stomach, or pharynx (throat).

A cough that does not go away may be a sign of lung cancer.

A cancer may be suspected for a variety of reasons, but the definitive diagnosis of most malignancies must be confirmed by histological examination of the cancerous cells by a pathologist.


Once diagnosed, cancer is usually treated with a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Radiation therapy may be used to treat almost every type of solid tumor, including cancers of the brain, breast, cervix, larynx, lung, pancreas, prostate, skin, stomach, uterus, or soft tissue sarcomas.

Most forms of chemotherapy target all rapidly dividing cells and are not specific for cancer cells, although some degree of specificity may come from the inability of many cancer cells to repair DNA damage, while normal cells generally can.

Contemporary methods for generating an immune response against tumours include intravesical BCG immunotherapy for superficial bladder cancer, and use of interferons and other cytokines to induce an immune response in renal cell carcinoma and melanoma patients.

Pain medication, such as morphine and oxycodone, and anti-emetics, drugs to suppress nausea and vomiting, are very commonly used in patients with cancer-related symptoms. transmission and disease.

Advances in cancer research have made a vaccine designed to prevent cancer available. The vaccine protects against four HPV types, which together cause 70% of cervical cancers and 90% of genital warts.

The consensus on diet and cancer is that obesity increases the risk of developing cancer. The cancer-fighting components of food are also proving to be more numerous and varied than previously understood, so patients are increasingly being advised to consume fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables for maximal health benefits.

What is Pancreatic Cancer?

First, the good news - research is being done and scientists are learning more every day about the causes of pancreatic cancer. Progress IS being made, and research has already led to better treatment for the diasease, a better quality of life for patients, and a decrease in deaths from pancreatic cancer.

The pancreas is a little organ only about 6 inches long that is located between the stomach and the spine. It is responsible for producing insulin as well as other hormones. Additionally, it makes pancreatic juices containing enzymes that help in digesting food.

Most cases of cancer starts in the ducts that carry pancreatic juices. Cancer of the pancreas is also called carcinoma of the pancreas. The terms are used interchangeably.

*Note: There is a rare cases that start in the cells that make insulin and other hormones. Cancer that starts in these cells is called islet cell cancer.

There are, of course, certain risk factors that scientists say increase the chances of a person developing the disease. It is important to note, however, that many people with all of the risk factors do not get pancreatic cancer and that people who have none of the risk factors do get it.

The risk factors that scientists have identified are:

1. Smoking: Smoking increases the risk of developing all kinds of cancer, according to scientists.

2. Age: Most cases if this type of cancer are diagnosed in patients over the age of 60.

3. Race: African Americans have a greater risk of developing the diasease than other ethnic groups.

4. Sex: Males more often develop pancreatic cancer than females.

5. Family History: If there is a history of pancreatic cancer in the family, there is a greater risk for a patient to develop it.

Coping With Cancer Pain

Cancer can cause a great deal of pain. The treatments for cancer can also cause a great deal of pain. But pain is not a "done deal" - it isn't inevitable. Pain control is part of the overall treatment for cancer. Physicians have a whole arsenal of methods and options at their disposal. The best defense is always a good offense, whether you are talking about a football game, a basketball game, or fighting cancer pain.

First, there are a few facts that patients need to know: (1) pain CAN be managed; (2) talking openly with your physician will help him help you; (3) there are a great many pain medications, and when one doesn't work, another will; (4) people who take pain medications prescribed by their doctors for cancer-related pain very rarely become addicted to them; and (5) the human body does not become immune to pain medication. There is no point in "saving" a medication for later.

There are as many different causes of pain as there are patients who have pain. Pain relief does not come in a "one-size-fits-all" pill. It can be caused by medical tests, tumors, spinal cord compression, and treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy. There are different relievers available for pain that is caused by different things.

Doctors use prescription medications, of course, and all of the hundreds and thousands of pain medications can be prescribed for a cancer patient. But medications are not the only weapon to combat pain in the doctor's bag. Many doctors prescribe the use of such alternative medicines as aromatherapy, massage, acupuncture, biofeedback, and others.

The idea is often just to relieve the pain, but an even better idea is to prevent the pain in the first place. Talk to your doctor about pain prevention.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Causes of Cancer - Symptoms and Treatment

Most cancers are named for where they start. For example, lung cancer starts in the lung, and breast cancer starts in the breast. The spread of cancer from one part of the body to another is called metastasis.
Cancer Causes
Symptoms and treatment depend on the cancer type and how advanced it is. Treatment plans may include surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy. Causes of cancer cells are the building blocks of living things. Cancer grows out of normal cells in the body. Normal cells multiply when the body needs them, and die when the body doesn't. Cancer appears to occur when the growth of cells in the body is out of control and cells divide too rapidly. It can also occur when cells "forget" how to die. There are many different kinds of cancers. Cancer can develop in almost any organ or tissue, such as the lung, colon, breast, skin, bones, or nerve tissue. The mutation in the DNA changes these instructions so that the cells carry on growing. This causes the cells to reproduce in an uncontrollable manner, producing a lump of tissue known as a tumor.
Cancer Symptoms
Symptoms of cancer depend on the type and location of the tumor. For example, lung cancer can cause coughing, shortness of breath, or chest pain, while colon cancer often causes diarrhea, constipation, and blood in the stool. Local symptoms occur when the cancer is contained in one part of your body. These include changes in bowel or bladder habits, a sore that does not heal, unusual bleeding or discharge, thickening or lump in the breast or any other part of the body, indigestion or difficulty swallowing, obvious change in a wart or mole, or nagging cough or hoarseness.
Cancer Treatment
Treatment varies based on the type of cancer and its stage. The stage of a cancer refers to how much it has grown and whether the tumor has spread from its original location. If the cancer is confined to one location and has not spread, the goal for treatment would be surgery and cure. If the tumor has spread to local lymph nodes only, sometimes these can be removed.
Complementary medicine techniques such as acupuncture, meditation, and yoga could be a helpful addition to your regular medical treatment. If all of the cancer cannot be removed with surgery, the options for treatment include radiation, chemotherapy, or both. Some cancers require a combination of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.

Diet and Cancer

Over the past decade, the incidence of cancer has risen faster than other chronic diseases in the United States. Cancer strikes one out of every three people. Only heart disease, which affects one out of two 2 people, affects more people..
The relationship between diet and cancer exists: 40% of men and 60% women have a casual relationship between diet and cancer.
In all research, what remains unclear is whether certain foods have protective properties, or if consuming these foods decreases the effect of other foods that have a strong association with carcinogens.
Today, the research does indicate that low intakes of lentils, green vegetables, fresh fruit, and certain vitamins creates an increased risk for many cancers. The cancers I want to highlight are the ones that are the most prominent; breast cancer, ovarian cancer, colorectal cancer, testicular cancer, and Hodgkin's disease.
Before we discuss the specific protective agents found in food, I would like to start with general diet. Fats, carbohydrate, protein and fiber all have a strong influence on developing cancer.
In many of my writings, I have discussed high fiber-low fat importance, especially animal fat, relative to heart disease. It would seem logical the same diet would contribute to cancer. The key ingredient, like heart disease, is the increased consumption of dietary fiber and a decrease in red meat consumption. The increase in red meat consumption and low fiber intake has a strong associate with colorectal cancer. Unsaturated fats, unlike the saturated fats found in red meat, decrease colorectal cancer.
Western diets have a casual relationship with cancer. Most Asians, Africans and Hispanics have lower incidence of cancer until exposed to Western diets. Breast cancer, which is one of the fastest increasing forms of cancer, correlates with changes in hormonal levels. High dietary fat intake increases the hormones in women. Pre-pubescent young women who eat a high saturated fat diet will begin menstruation 1 to 2 years before young women who do not consume high amounts of animal fat and are not overweight.
Body weight, body fat, body height-to-weight ratio, and obesity are strongly associated with increases in almost all cancers. This risk increases more in post-menopausal women.
Apart from reducing red meat consumption to 4 ounces or less a day and bringing fiber up to greater than 30 mg a day, there are important nutrients that can provide protection.
Carotenoids and Retinoids are found in green leafy and yellow vegetables, fruits, and dark wines. Supplements I work with are from Waiora, a health and nutrition company that has a governing body of 10 physicians and a bio-scientist who produce some powerful supplements.
Other agents that decrease the risk for many cancers include:
Vitamins C - found in citrus;
B vitamins Riboflavin - found in dark green leafy vegetables, enriched bread, and cereals;
B6 - found in fish, poultrym fruits and vegetables;
B12 - found in eggs and milk products;
Fat soluble vitamin A -- found in dark green leafy vegetables, orange and yellow fruits, dark fruits (grapes), and fortified milk and cereal;
Vitamin K - found in dark green leafy vegetables;
Vitamin E -- found in vegetable oils; and
Trace Elements Selenium and Zinc - found in fish, dark leafy vegetables and grains.

What is Endometrial Cancer?

Endometrial cancer is cancer that forms in the tissue that lines the uterus. The uterus is a small, pear-shaped organ that is located in the lower pelvic area of a woman. The uterus is the organ in a woman's body where a baby grows.
It is estimated that in 2008, there will be about 40,100 new cases of endometrial cancer diagnosed, and that there will be about 7,470 deaths caused by endometrial cancer. One is too many, but these numbers show a dramatic decrease in new cases of endometrial cancer as well as deaths from it over the last several years.
Science is making progress and learning more about the causes of endometrial cancer. Scientists are exploring new ways to prevent, detect, diagnose, and treat the disease. Research has helped to improve patients' quality of life and decrease the chance of dying from endometrial cancer - and more progress is being made all the time.
There are several benign conditions of the uterus that often cause great fear in women:
Fibroids: Fibroids do not develop into cancer. They grow in the muscle of the uterus. Most often fibroids occur in women who are in their 40s. Fibroids usually just disappear after menopause.
Endometriosis: This is a condition in which endometrial tissue begins to grow on the outside of the uterus and on nearby organs. It most often occurs in women in their 30s and 40s who have never been pregnant. Endometriosis can cause a great many problems, but cancer isn't one of them.
Endometrial hyperplasia: Heavy menstrual periods, bleeding between periods, and bleeding after menopause are the most common symptoms of hyperplasia. Endometrial hyperplasia is not cancer, but it can develop into cancer.
All problems associated with the uterus are not cancer - the odds are that when you experience problems, it is NOT cancer.

Cancer Quotes

I like quotes about all kinds of things. I love the way that some people can express what the rest of us are thinking in just a few well-chosen words. The subject of cancer and cancer treatments are no exception. Some of the best advice and the best observations about this dreaded disease are found in quotes.
For one thing, cancer is held up as the ultimate disease - the standard by which all really bad things in life is measured. Maya Angelou was an American poet who said, "Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host," and Edward Abbey was an American writer and environmentalist who said, "Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell." No matter what "it" is, the worst is always compared to cancer.
Then there are those famous people who say things that echo in our minds forever. Olivia Newton-John said, "My cancer scare changed my life. I'm grateful for every new, healthy day I have. It has helped me prioritize my life." Lance Armstrong, the famous cyclist, is quoted as having said, "If children have the ability to ignore all odds and percentages, then maybe we can all learn from them. When you think about it, what other choice is there but to hope? We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up, or fight like hell."
Melissa Bank, an author, wrote, "During chemo, you're more tired than you've ever been. It's like a cloud passing over the sun, and suddenly you're out. You don't know how you'll answer the door when your groceries are delivered. But you also find that you're stronger than you've ever been. You're clear. Your mortality is at optimal distance, not up so close that it obscures everything else, but close enough to give you depth perception. Previously, it has taken you weeks, months, or years to discover the meaning of an experience. Now it's instantaneous."

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Spiritual Beliefs and Cancer

There is no scientific proof about how spirituality is related to health. Frankly, there simply is no way to quantify the relationship between spirituality and how it affects cancer patients. There are, however, some research studies that show that spiritual or religious beliefs and practices promote a positive mental attitude that may help a patient feel better.

Spiritual beliefs have a definite impact on quality-of-life issues. Deep religious beliefs have proven to reduced anxiety, depression, and discomfort as well as to reduced sense of isolation (feeling alone). Cancer patients who are deeply religious make better adjustments to the effects of cancer and its treatment and have an increased ability to enjoy life during cancer treatment. They also often express a feeling of personal growth because of living with cancer. People with strong religious beliefs also have better outcomes of all health-related problems, including cancer.

When people are conflicted about their spiritual or religious beliefs, the opposite is true. Professionals refer to this as "spiritual distress." A great deal of spiritual distress interferes with a cancer patient's ability to cope with having cancer as well as with cancer treatments. Spiritual distress does contribute to poorer treatment outcomes. Health care professionals who note this spiritual distress will often encourage the cancer patient to seek guidance from the appropriate spiritual or religious leaders to help them resolve their issues. Resolving religious issues and relieving spiritual distress helps to improve cancer patients' overall health, provide them with a better quality of life, and help them cope with having cancer as well as with cancer treatments.

The direct effect of spirituality and religious beliefs on health is recognized as a real concern by health professionals. Today, many doctors who treat cancer patients do a spiritual assessment of patients they treat, so that they can better help them to cope.

Mistletoe For Cancer

Mistletoe is that little sprig of green stuff with white berries that people hang in doorways during the holiday season to encourage kissing. Kissing under the mistletoe is an age-old tradition with an interesting history that I won't get into here.

Mistletoe is a parasite that grows in certain trees (apple, oak, maple, elm, pine, and birch, for example). Mistletoe can actually suck the life out of the trees that it lives on. But extracts from this "nuisance" plant have proven to kill cancer cells as well as to boost the human immune system. Do not go out and grab yourself a handful of mistletoe to eat, though. The cute little white berries of the mistletoe plant are very poisonous. Obtaining a mistletoe extract is a multistep process that is best left to professionals.

Mistletoe extracts can be purchased at health food stores; but actually in medical trials and studies, the mistletoe extract is administered by injection or intravenously.

The conclusions drawn from clinical trials of using mistletoe as a cancer treatment are mixed. There isn't much doubt that mistletoe extract does boost the immune system. Most researchers agree that mistletoe extract does, indeed, boost the immune system, but whether mistletoe extract is effective as a cancer treatment has not been established to any degree of medical certainty. There have been problems associated with all of the studies that have been done. Studies have only been conducted in Europe, and in every study, there were limitations - the study was too small, the results were mixed, the patient data was incomplete, the information about dosage and frequency was skewed, or there were problems with the design of the study.

Mistletoe may be our next best hope for treating cancer, but at this point, there is no proof of its effectiveness.

Tai Chi As a Cancer Treatment

Tai chi is an ancient Chinese martial art. Tai chi is a mind-body, self-healing system that uses mild exercise, meditation, and breathing to improve health and overall well-being. Tai chi has been in practice for many centuries, and now even modern Western medicine agrees that tai chi is an excellent form of exercise that can improve posture, balance, muscle mass and tone, flexibility, stamina, and strength in young adults as well as in older adults.

Tai chi is not a cure for cancer. Tai chi is a complimentary therapy that is often recommended for people who are undergoing conventional cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy. It is important for people who are going through cancer treatments to remain as active as possible. The gentle movements and deep-breathing exercises of tai chi can reduce stress. Reducing stress can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of many heart problems.

Those who promote the use of tai chi say that it helps to balance qi or chi - the vital energy or life force of the body. Balanced qi is said to prevent illness, improve health, and extend life expectancy. Tai chi also is based on the ancient theory of yin and yang and those who promote the use of tai chi for cancer patients say that balancing yin and yang helps patients to achieve inner harmony.

Researchers agree that tai chi can reduce stress and provide the same cardiovascular benefits as moderate exercise like a slower heart rate and lower blood pressure.

Because the physical movements of tai chi are so slow and gentle, it is considered to be the safest form of exercise for older people as well as people who are undergoing rigorous treatments for cancer as well as for many other human ailments like arthritis, osteoporosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and peripheral artery disease.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Vaccines For Cancer

There are only two vaccines that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the prevention of far. There is a vaccine that has been approved to prevent infection with the human papillomavirus virus (HPV). HPV is known to cause most cases of cervical cancer. There is also a vaccine that prevents infection with the hepatitis B virus. The hepatitis B virus is known to cause many cases of liver cancer.

There are more than 300 types of cancer, and so far we have only two vaccines; but it is a start. For years, the treatment of cancer (after the fact, so to speak) was the focus of most research, and there has been a lot of progress in treating cancer with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. The credit for every bit of the progress that has been made in cancer treatment goes to researchers and scientists who dedicate their lives to learning more and finding new treatments. This progress was made in laboratories as well through clinical trials of new drugs and new procedures. Now the focus has broadened to include the idea of prevention through the use of vaccines.

Researchers and scientists have learned a lot more over the years about how the body fights cancer on its own. The body has a built-in defense system that is called the immune system. The human immune system is really amazing. It's a network of specialized tissues and cells that fight disease. The idea of vaccines to prevent diseases of all kinds is to make use of the body's natural defense system - the immune system. Vaccines are called "biological" therapies - a kind of germ warfare to prevent diseases in the human body.

Vaccines for cancer will be developed in laboratories and through clinical trials just like treatments have been developed. There isn't likely to be an announcement on the evening news that a vaccine has been developed that totally prevents all kinds of cancer, but the researchers are out there looking for it. Maybe someday...

Meditation Therapy For Cancer

Oncologists and those who care for cancer patients are usually open to any and all suggestions for ways that a cancer patient can be treated or cared for better. These doctors and caregivers see the minute-by-minute suffering and pain (both physical and mental) that cancer causes.

It's been proven that meditation therapy is an effective complimentary therapy for cancer patients. There are several types of meditation. One very common-type meditation is called transcendental meditation. Transcendental meditation involves repeating a word or phrase (mantra) over and over, either silently or aloud. Another type meditation is often referred to as mindfulness meditation. In mindfulness meditation, a person observes sensations, perceptions, and thoughts without judgment as they arise. There are other kinds of meditation that focus attention by walking or visualizing.

Meditation is often used in conjunction with other kinds of complimentary therapies for cancer patients, like massage therapy, biofeedback therapy, hypnosis therapy, acupuncture therapy, etc. Meditation is not a cure for cancer. It is only a therapy that is used in conjunction with standard cancer treatments like chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy, and drug therapy.

There are many instructions for meditation, but basically all meditation starts the same way. You start by choosing a quiet place without distractions. You sit or rest quietly with your eyes closed and pay attention to your breathing and physical sensations. You notice them and then let go of all intruding thoughts.

In the last two decades, meditation has been studied in clinical trials with a focus on reducing stress on the mind and body. Research has proven that meditation can help reduce anxiety, stress, blood pressure, chronic pain, and insomnia. It stands to reason that meditation can help cancer patients reduce pain, stress, anxiety, and fear. Meditation can improve the quality of life.

Coping With Cancer Fatigue

Cancer Related Fatigue (CRF) is a real side effect of cancer and of cancer treatment. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network defined CRF as "a persistent, subjective sense of tiredness related to cancer or cancer treatment that interferes with usual functioning."

Cancer patients very rarely describe the feeling as "fatigue." They describe the feeling as being "bone tired." What they are saying is that they feel emotionally, mentally, and physically drained.

Most cancer patients simply accept fatigue as a part of having cancer and don't ask for help in coping with it. But there is help.

One of the major causes of CRF is anemia. Anemia in cancer patients can be caused by a variety of things like bleeding, bone marrow involvement of the disease, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, dysfunction, of organs like the heart, lung, liver, or kidney disease, or nutritional deficiencies.

When the cause of CRF is anemia, blood transfusions can help. But blood transfusions are not the answer for all cancer patients. Patients who are bleeding or having other symptoms don't benefit from blood transfusions, and blood transfusions are not without risk. Although blood transfusions are relatively safe and there are a great many precautions in place, blood transfusions can lead to transmission of viruses, allergic reactions, and lung injury.

Another very effective way that physicians can treat the anemia that is responsible for CRF is to stimulate the bone marrow to make more red blood cells.

There is a protein called erythropoietin that is released into our bloodsteams naturally when our red blood cell count drops. Erythropoietin stimulates the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells. A synthetic version of erythropoietin has been developed, and in clinical trials, there has been a marked decrease in fatigue and a marked increase in the quality of life.

Biofeedback Therapy For Cancer

There have been claims (by unscrupulous creeps) that by learning biofeedback therapy, cancer patients can slow or stop the progression of cancer. These claims are fraudulent and, in my not-so-humble-opinion, cruel. The idea of placing the cause for the progression of cancer on the shoulders of the patient amounts to mental and emotional torture.

The truth is, however, that biofeedback therapy can be a very good complimentary therapy for cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgery. Biofeedback cannot stop cancer. It can't cure cancer, either, but it can provide a cancer patient
with the ability to reduce his stress, muscle tension, and pain.

The principle of biofeedback therapy is technicians using monitoring devices to provide information about physical processes (blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, etc.), that are hard to detect without help and then giving (feeding back) this information in the form of a continuous signal like a sound or an image to the patient. The idea is that the patient can adjust his or her thinking, emotional state, or other mental processes for the purpose of controlling bodily functions and can see what works by changes in the signal being provided.

A biofeedback therapist provides guidance as the patient concentrates on changing a specific physical process, such as heart rate, temperature, perspiration, blood flow, brain activity, or muscle tension. When a patient learns how to control these normally automatically controlled functions, he or she can learn how to control pain, stress, and tension.

Biofeedback will NOT cure cancer, and it will not stop or slow the growth of tumors. But it can help to provide a better quality of life for cancer patients while they are going through the treatments that do have the potential to cure the cancer.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Vitamins and Minerals As Cancer Treatment

The conventional wisdom (?) of cancer researchers is that there is absolutely no connection between eating (or not eating) certain foods and taking (or not taking) dietary supplements. As a matter of fact, Dr. Daniel W. Nixon, the president of the Institute for Cancer Prevention in New York, said, "Vitamins and minerals are probably more or less worthless as far as cancer prevention is concerned." Horse feathers!

There is not nearly enough information available about the cause of OR the prevention of cancer for anybody to make that kind of sweeping (and dismissive) statement.

Most cancer researchers will tell you that cancer has everything to do with vitamins, minerals, foods, and nutrition, and they'll tell you that many of the cancers we see today are caused by cancer-causing food ingredients like sodium nitrate, hydrogenated oils, MSG, artificial food colors, and all kinds of chemical preservatives.

So the question is, if there are cancer-causing ingredients in the foods that we eat, might there not also be cancer risk-reducing substances as well? The answer is a qualified "yes." The fact is that you can increase the intake of foods, vitamins, minerals, and herbs that are known to reduce the risk of cancer, but if you don't eliminate or at least greatly reduce the intake of cancer-causing food additives and preservatives, there will be no benefit gained.

Some foods that reduce the risk of cancer and even help to cure cancer include garlic, onions, broccoli, cabbage, berries, cauliflower, any of the sprouts, green food concentrates like wheat grass, barley grass, and others, cereal grasses, super foods like chlorella and spirulina, unsaturated oils, and many medicinal herbs. These foods and supplements all fight and even prevent cancer by supporting a healthy functioning of our immune systems.

The Effect of Diet on Cancer

First, it is important to note that one should not change their diet suddenly and completely based upon the results of one study or one news report about the effect that any one food, vitamin, mineral, dietary supplement, or additive has on cancer. "Studies" and "reports" are published all the time, and many of these studies and reports are based upon limited research. The conclusions are not established within any medical degree of certainty.

Now, having said that, we do know with a high degree of medical certainty that certain foods, beverages, vitamins, minerals, etc., do impact cancer risk. For example:

We know that consuming two alcoholic drinks per day by a man increases his risk of getting cancer of the mouth, pharynx (throat), larynx (voice box), esophagus, liver, and breast, and probably of the colon and rectum. A daily intake of only one alcoholic drink by a woman creates the same risk.

We also know that the body uses the antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables to fight cancer. Results of research tells us that people who eat more vegetables and fruits that are rich sources of antioxidants have a lower risk for some types of cancer.

It has been established that the consumption of processed meat as well as red meat is linked to a higher risk of certain kinds of cancer. However, there is no indication that reducing cholesterol (found in processed and red meat) has either a positive or a negative effect on cancer risk. Lowering cholesterol does, however, lower the risk of heart disease and stroke.

The red-orange carotene pigment called lycopene is found mainly in tomatoes and tomato-based foods and to some extent in pink grapefruit and watermelon. There have been several studies that have reported that consuming tomato products reduces the risk of some cancers.

Five Herbs to Treat Cancer

There is a great deal of interest today about the use of Chinese herbs to treat cancer. This interest is caused for several reasons. Two reasons are (1) the high cost of traditional cancer treatments; and (2) the side effects of the synthetic drugs that are used in conventional cancer treatments.

It is important to note that any treatment for cancer should be discussed with the presiding physician. Some combinations of drugs and herbs can cause an adverse reaction.

It is also important to note that the information provided here should not be considered medical advice. It isn't intended to replace the advice offered by your physician. This is merely information.

Dong ling cao: Dong ling cao was not listed in herbal dictionaries of early dynasties. It became available only in 1972. Dong ling cao is being used to treat cancer of the esophagus, breast, and liver, as well as for swelling of throat, insect bites, snake bites, and inflammation of the tonsils.

Yi yi ren (also called semen coicis): Yi yi ren is typically used to invigorate the function of the spleen and to reduce pain and swelling caused by arthritis. It is also used to relieve diarrhea, to remove heat, and to facilitate the drainage of pus. Yi yi ren is used by Chinese herbalists to treat cancer of the lung or spleen.

Tu fu ling: In animal studies, tu fu ling has proven especially effective in treating cancers in the urinary tract (bladder) and the liver.

Ling zhi: Ling zhi is used to enhance the immune system. Specifically, ling zhi is known to increase monocytes, macrophages, T-lymphocyt cytokine, interleukin, tumor necrosis, and interferon.

Ren Shen: Ren Shen is a herb that is known to enhance the immune system, and it helps to relieve the side effects caused by chemotherapy and radiation therapy, as well.

Acupuncture For Cancer

First, nobody (reputable) claims that acupuncture will "cure" cancer - and it won't. Acupuncture is an ancient method of treatment that dates back to the Stone Age in China. Just because acupuncture cannot cure cancer does not mean that acupuncture does not have a place in cancer treatment. As a matter of fact, many oncologists recommend acupuncture for their patients both before and after surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

Oncologists recommended acupuncture treatments for the purpose of reducing or eliminating pain as well as for reducing or eliminating the nausea that is often caused by treatments.

Cancer is a general term that covers more than 300 different diseases and can affect every part of the human body. The first line of defense against cancer is a healthy lifestyle and good health choices, but even the healthiest lifestyle is no guarantee that some form of cancer cannot strike.

The second line of defense is early cancer diagnosis. The earlier that cancer is found, the greater the chances that it can be cured. Treatments for cancer can include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. Combination of two or all three of these options is very common - and this is where acupuncture comes in. This is where acupuncture can help a cancer patient.

Acupuncture can help reduce pain after surgery. There really isn't much debate about this, even in the established medical community. Acupuncture can reduce the pain and the need for pain medication in cancer surgery patients. Acupuncture has been used as a replacement for anesthesia.

Acupuncture is also regularly used to relieve nausea that is often caused by chemotherapy. Nausea is one of the most frequent side effects of all chemotherapy treatments, and it is also the one that is most dreaded by cancer patients that are undergoing chemotherapy. Acupuncture is used regularly and very effectively to relieve or even eliminate the nausea associated with chemotherapy treatment.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Cancer Treatment Scams

Cancer is a serious and terrifying disease. The very word "cancer" is enough to scare the socks off of average people. The scam artists of the world know this. They make very, very large fortunes by preying on the fear of cancer that is coupled with a basic mistrust of "the system" that those who are part of the baby boomer generation have.

Now, I am not saying that the health care system is flawless. It isn't. But there is not a secret cure for cancer that is being withheld from the public, either. You can bet that if there were a magic little pill that would cure the most dreaded disease on the planet, it would be available (albeit at a dear price) to the public.

There ARE alternative medicine cancer treatments that are effective in relieving the pain without the use of drugs. Nutrition IS important to good health, but there is NOT a food or a food plan that will cure cancer. There is NOT a dietary supplement or a magic combination of dietary supplements that will cure cancer, either.

No matter how much you pay for these bogus treatments, they aren't going to work. Well, they WILL work to line the pockets of the creeps that are out there promoting them, but they won't work to cure cancer.

"Caveat emptor" is means Buyer Beware! Buyer Beware is a good motto for cancer patients who are searching for a magic cure for the dreaded disease. There is an old saying that applies here, too. "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." When we are afraid - when pain and death are very real possibilities - it is only natural to look beyond the established medical community in hopes of finding a cure.

Cancer patients just need to be aware that so far, there IS NOT a cure within or outside of "the system." There is treatment, though. And more and more cancers are being cured everyday. There IS hope, so don't give up.

Chemotherapy Cancer Treatment

Chemotherapy has come a long way in the last several years. Many of the awful side effects of chemotherapy can be controlled or even prevented today and chemotherapy is often the best option available for treating cancer.

Chemotherapy is a general term that covers the use of many different chemical agents with the objective of inhabiting or stopping the growth of cancer cells and even killing cancer cells at sites in the body that are a long way from the original cancer.

The greatest majority of people who are diagnosed with cancer of any kind are treated with chemotherapy. That is because chemotherapy is effective. Chemotherapy can allow cancer patients to enjoy rich, full lives.

A treatment plan and a treatment schedule (a regimen) are recommended by the doctor for the administering of drugs included in the chemotherapy treatment. Some of these drugs are intended to fight the cancer, and some are intended to help support the cancer-fighting drugs. Doctors agree that keeping to the recommended schedule provides the best opportunity for the chemotherapy treatment to be successful.

The drugs used in chemotherapy treatment can be delivered by injection, by intravenous drip, or orally in pill form. The way the drug is administered is determined by the drug being used. Many of the cancer-fighting drugs used in chemotherapy are designed to kill fast-growing cancer cells. The problem is that these drugs can't tell the difference between fast-growing cancer cells and other fast-growing cells, including hair and blood cells.

Still, chemotherapy is often the very best choice available for treating cancer, even with the side effects. The best defense is always knowledge. Talk with your doctor. Work to understand the goals as well as the risks associated with each treatment. Only you can determine the benefit/risk balance that is right for you.

Liver Cancer Prevention

Surprisingly enough, many liver cancers can be prevented. There isn't a liver cancer vaccine yet, but there IS a hepatitis B vaccine that was approved for use in the United States in the early 1980s. The hepatitis B vaccine protects both children and adults from the hepatitis B virus. Chronic infection with the hepatitis B virus is one of the leading causes of liver cancer worldwide.

It is recommended that all children be given the hepatitis B vaccine and that all adults who are at risk, like health care workers and those who engage in risky behavior, get the vaccine as well.

The other leading cause of liver cancer is chronic infection with the hepatitis C virus. So far, there is not a vaccine to protect against hepatitis C infection. The best prevention against hepatitis C as well as hepatitis B (for those who have not been vaccinated) is understanding how the viruses are spread and how to avoid contamination.

Both hepatitis B and hepatitis C are spread through shared use of a contaminated needle (drug use), through unprotected sex, and through childbirth. There was a time when a blood transfusion carried a major risk of contracting hepatitis B or hepatitis C, but better screening has reduced that risk to only one per two million transfusions today.

If you are at high risk for contracting hepatitis B or hepatitis C, you should be tested for these infections often. There are drugs that your doctor can give you to treat these infections. There are no drugs that cure these infections, however, and it is unclear whether treatment actually lessens the chances of cancer developing.

Alcohol abuse is the number one cause of cirrhosis of the liver. Cirrhosis can lead to liver cancer. This cancer prevention technique is quite simple - don't abuse alcohol and if you are abusing alcohol, stop.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Endometrial Cancer Prevention

I wish I could tell you that there is a simple way to totally prevent endometrial cancer. Unfortunately, that is not the case. We can't really prevent endometrial cancer, but there are certain steps that we can take that will reduce the risk of endometrial cancer.

Amazingly enough, using oral contraceptives seems to reduce the risk of endometrial cancer. The longer a woman takes oral contraceptives, the lower the rate of developing endometrial cancer becomes. It also appears that this protection provided by oral contraceptives keeps right on
being effective for about 10 years after the woman ceases taking the oral contraceptives.

*A note: The choice of birth control should not be based solely upon endometrial cancer risk. There are other factors that women should also consider. Openly discussing birth control options with one's physician is recommended.

Endometrial cancer risks can be lowered by avoiding known risk factors for developing all kinds of cancers. Smoking cigarettes, for example, is a known risk factor for developing cancer. An unhealthy diet that contains a great deal of saturated fats and food preservatives is also a known risk factor for developing cancer. A sedentary lifestyle is conducive for the development of cancer as is obesity. Basically...

* Eat a healthy diet

* Exercise regularly

* Maintain an optimal body weight

* Don't smoke cigarettes

For some women, both during and post menopause, HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) is a good choice, but not for all women. It is known that HRT does lower the risk of developing endometrial cancer in postmenopausal women. However, there are other risk factors to consider when making the decision to use hormone replacement therapy. For example, doctors now know that HRT INCREASES the risk of breast cancer. The best idea is to discuss all of the possibilities and options with your doctor.

Esophageal Cancer Prevention

There is no known way to totally prevent esophageal cancer. Researchers and scientists are working on cancer prevention day and night, but so far the only vaccine that has been developed is one for the prevention of cervical cancer caused by exposure to the HRT virus. Maybe someday there will be a little pill we can all take that will prevent all kinds of cancers from developing. Meanwhile, we concentrate on lowering the risk of developing cancer, including esophageal cancer. The good news is that there really are things that we can do to lower the risk.

There are, of course, risk factors that none of us have the slightest control over, like age, sex, and race. But there are other lifestyle choice risk factors that we do have control over. In the United States the two biggest lifestyle choice risk factors for developing esophageal cancer are cigarette smoking and alcohol abuse.

The risk of esophageal cancer increases by 18 times in people who drink more than 13 ounces of alcohol a day over a period of years. If this same alcohol-drinking person smokes one or two packs of cigarettes a day, the risk of esophageal cancer increases to 44 times. Avoiding alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking are the best ways to reduce the risk of esophageal cancer.

Exercise and diet are also important lifestyle risk factors for esophageal cancer that we can all exercise some control over. A daily diet that contains at least five servings of fruits and vegetables and some whole grain foods and that is low in saturated fats and prepackaged food is the best esophageal cancer-preventing diet. Regular aerobic exercise is also known to lower the risk of all kinds of cancers.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What is Cancer?

Cancer is not a single disease with a single cause or cure. Cancer is the result when cells divide uncontrollably and invade other nearby tissue in the body. Cancer spreads through the body by way of blood circulation or by the clear fluid that travels through the lymphatic system and carries cells that help fight infections and other diseases.
There are more than 100 types of cancers, but they are divided into the following main categories:
1. Carcinoma: Carcinoma is cancer that begins on the skin or in tissues that line or cover the internal organs.
2. Sarcoma: Sarcoma is cancer that begins in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective tissue.
3. Leukemia: Leukemia is cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as the bone marrow and causes large numbers of abnormal blood cells to be produced that then enter the bloodstream.
4. Lymphoma and myeloma: Lymphoma and myeloma are cancers that begin in the cells that make up the immune system.
The body is made up of many different types of cells. Cells grow and divide in a normal and controlled way to produce more cells as they are needed. When cells get old or are damaged, they die and then they are replaced with new cells.
When this normal process goes wrong (the genetic material - DNA - of a cell becomes damaged or changed) the body begins producing mutations that affect normal cell growth. The result is that cells don't die when they should, and new cells form when the body doesn't need them. These extra and mutated cells then can form a mass of tissue that is called a tumor.
All tumors are not cancerous. Most tumors are benign. "Benign" means that the tumor is not cancerous. Tumors that are cancerous are called "malignant" tumors.

What is Bladder ?

The bladder is the organ in the body where urine is stored before it is expelled through urination. There are several different kinds of bladder cancer:
* Transitional cell carcinomas (cancer that begins in cells that normally make up the inner lining of the bladder) are the most common.
* Squamous cell carcinoma is cancer that begins in thin, flat cells.
* Adenocarcinoma is cancer that begins in cells that make and release mucus and other fluids.
The cells that cause squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma grow in the inner lining of the bladder and are caused by chronic irritation and inflammation.
Cancer that is in cells in the lining of the bladder is called superficial bladder cancer. Your doctor might call it carcinoma in situ. This kind of bladder cancer comes back many times, even after treatment. When the cancer returns, it is usually as another superficial cancer in the bladder.
Cancer that begins as a superficial tumor can grow through the lining and into the wall of the bladder. When this happens, it is known as "invasive" cancer. Invasive cancer can grow through the bladder wall. It can also grow into nearby organs like the uterus or vagina in women or into the prostate gland in men. This type of invasive cancer can also attack the walls of the abdomen.
When cancer spreads from one organ to another organ in the body, the new tumor will have the same kinds of cells as the original tumor. That is, if cancer cells that originated in the bladder invade the lungs, the cancer cells in the lungs are actually bladder cells. The tumor in the lung will be treated as though it were bladder cancer rather than as lung cancer. Sometimes doctors call new tumors "distant" disease.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Oral Cancer Deaths on the Rise

Oral cancer is a killer. In the United States alone, there are over 22,000 cases every year and over 5,000 deaths yearly, according to the US National Cancer Institute.

The emergence of oral cancer does not happen overnight. The slow but sure process is common in people between the ages of 60 and 70 who have been smoking for years, drinking alcohol heavily, and have a family history of the disease. Betel nut chewing is another cause of oral cancer.

"Oral cancer is very common in tobacco-growing regions of the world. I have yet to see oral cancer in someone younger than 60. It's a slow process - and a slow death," said Dr. Alberto Calderon, an ENT specialist and diplomate of the Philippine Board of Otolaryngology.

The disease is not only confined to the mouth but may affect the tongue, buccal mucosa (inside of the checks for tobacco and betel nut chewers), gums, lips (for pipe smokers) and palate (roof of the mouth for inverted cigarette smokers). Symptoms include a small, pale lump or discolored thickening in any of these areas.

"The earliest symptom of oral cancer is leukoplakia, a thick white patch inside the mouth. Eventually, there is swelling, pain and inflammation. Ulcers and swollen lymph nodes under the jaw later form," Calderon explained.

Leukoplakia is the body's natural defense against the heat of smoking, ill-fitting dentures or a rough tooth. The patches arc not necessarily cancerous but may develop into cancer later. How does this happen?

"Tobacco- and betel nut are harsh substances. Whether they are inhaled or chewed, they are unnatural - not food or anything. Because of this, the body fries to defend itself from these substances by forming a protective layer on the affected areas in much the same way that a person with ill-fitting shoes develops calluses. In the course of defending itself by forming thick white patches in the mouth, some body cells go out of control and continue growing. That uncontrolled new growth emerges as cancer," Calderon revealed.

Early detection can save one from oral cancer. Unfortunately, most cases go unnoticed and delayed treatment often results in death.

"More than half of all mouth cancers are well advanced at the time of their detection. Often they spread into nearby lymph nodes of the neck. This requires treatment that is more extensive. The chance of a cure is diminished. Almost 25 percent of people with oral cancer die because of delayed discovery and treatment," said Dr. David E. Larson, editor-in-chief of the "Mayo Clinic Family Health Book."

How do you avoid this situation? First, Calderon said you should be aware of the signs of oral cancer and report these to a physician or dentist, particularly one who is an expert in oral medicine. A doctor who is familiar with oral diseases can easily diagnose the problem and take the necessary steps to save the patient.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Types of Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid is an organ which is present at the base of throat and produces number of hormones that help to control the heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and weight of the body. It is a butterfly shaped gland and also known as Adam's apple. Even though it is a small organ it produces hormones to regulate the aspect of metabolism and used to burn the calories quickly. Sometimes small solids or fluid-filled lumps called as nodules may develop in your thyroid. Most common type of thyroid cancer can be removed by the treatment of surgery.

Most of the thyroid cancers are non-cancerous cancer. The thyroid cancer can be diagnosed by ultra sound or by surgical removal and subsequent histological examination. The thyroid cancer can be removed by surgical treatment. As the thyroid cancer take up iodine or radioactive iodine, it is commonly used to treat thyroid carcinoma.

There are two types of thyroid cancer they are benign and malignant cancer. Benign cancer is a non cancerous tumor. The cells of benign do not spread to the other part of the body and they are not usually a threat of life. More than 90 percent of them are affected by benign. The malignant are the tumor which contains the cancer cells. The cancer cells of malignant thyroid tumor will spread to the other part of body and affect them. They are more serious and sometimes that are life threatening. The cancer cells of malignant will break away and enter into the blood streams through lymph and thus the cancer spreads and forms a new tumor in other organs and it is called as metastasis.

Types of Thyroid Cancer

The other types of thyroid cancer are papillary cancer, Follicular cancer, medullary thyroid cancer and Ana plastic cancer.

Papillary Cancer

The papillary is the most common type of thyroid cancer. Out of 10 about 6 of them are diagnosed by thyroid cancer. It is the most common type of disease among women and it mostly affects the younger people and sometimes it may spread to the neck and lymph of the body. Mostly it tends to grow slowly and if it is detected in the earlier stage it can be treated.

Follicular Cancer

It is most often diagnosed in young and middle aged people. About 15 percent of thyroid cancers are this type. This type of cancer may spread to the other part such as bone and lymph.

Medullary Cancer

About 5 to 10 percent of thyroid cancer is medullary cancer. It can be treated easily if it has been found in earlier stage. It arises only from C cell and not from the follicular cell.

Ana Plastic Cancer

This type of cancer affect only one or two percent of people. It arises in the follicular cell and it is difficult to recognize.

Alternative Treatments For Pancreatic Cancer

If you've just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, you may feel like you've just been giving a death sentence. If you are looking for alternative ways to fight the deadliest cancer, there are many, many available. There are a lot more options to cancer treatment than what the big-business cancer industry would have you believe.

Have you heard of German New Medicine? Primal Therapy? Gerson Therapy? Essiac? Oxygen Therapy? Coley's Toxins? The Emotional Freedom Technique? Did you know your body is capable of, not just stopping cancer, but killing cancer cells through a process called "equilibrium?"

I ask you to think back on all the different things you've tried in your life to get rid of the hiccups. You've probably held your breath, stood on your head, drank water through a straw, put your head between your knees--even tried two of these methods at once. If you've ever considered the possibility that hiccups could be "scared" away by having someone sneak up behind you, then considering some pancreatic cancer treatments that are "outside of the box" shouldn't be a big leap!

Each and every one of the methods listed above has been proven to halt cancer in a safe and effective way...unlike traditional toxic methods like chemotherapy and radiation.

Think back on all the things Americans have believed throughout history because commercials and corporations told them to...smoking, fluoride in our water, meat and dairy products, sugar substitutes, lobotomies and shock therapy, etc? Chemotherapy and radiation are no different.

Did you know Natural Health magazine reported that, "Fewer than one-fourth of doctors surveyed routinely ask their patients about their dietary habits"? Do you know what gives cancer the fuel it needs to grow? Sugar (as proven by Nobel prize-winning Dr. Otto Warburg in 1931). Has your oncologist told you to stop eating sugar and simple carbohydrates (which turn to sugar in the body)?

How Can Your Prevent and Treat Your Oral Cancer?

In oral cancer, the cancer cells or tissues present within oral cavity of the mouth. Oral cancer includes the parts such as cheek, lip, gum, salivary gland and floor of the mouth. This type of cancer will affect only the people more than 45 years, but it can get developed at any stage. Most of the oral cancer includes the throat, tongue and floor of the mouth. Throat cancer includes the part behind your mouth. A person who is affected by oral cancer may have great health risks if he is a male or above 40 years old.

The American research center says that nearly 30,000 people are affected by oral and throat cancer in United States per year. According to the recent estimation from America about 7,000 people die because of throat and oral cancer. Oral cancer may originate from any part of the mouth as a primary lesion and may be varied in types. They look very smaller in microscope and are malignant. They can spread easily to the other parts. If the oral cancer is detected in the earlier stage it is successfully curable, but it is very difficult to identify because in the early stage it does not have any pain but only toothache.

Symptoms for Oral Cancer

Following are the some of the common symptoms of the oral cancer:

You can experience bleeding in gums and red or white patches on the gums. A lump found on the lips, floor of the mouth, at the side of the cheeks. Feeling difficult to chew or swallow. Having Continuous toothache and loosing teeth. Bad breath and difficult to open the jaws. A lump on your neck. A sore present in your mouth or tongue which does not heal quickly.

Factors for Oral Cancer

Tobacco is the major factor responsible for oral and throat cancer. A person who drinks alcohol will be affected by oral cancer mostly than the non-drinking persons. Smoking cigarettes, pipes, chewing tobacco leaves, using snuff powder will lead to oral cancer. The person who has regular head ache may also be affected. Family background is also another reason. High exposure of ultraviolet rays on the lips is also one of the factors. Among 3 any 1 person will be affected by oral cancer due to UV rays.


Stop smoking and have a regular dentist checkup twice a year. Avoid chewing gums and tobacco leaves. Use sun screen balms on your lips and sunscreen lotions on your body to protect yourself from UV rays. Do self-examination for your tongue, teeth and throat. Have a rich nutritious food.

Treatments for Oral Cancer

Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy are the major treatments for removing tumor cells or tissues. Surgery depends on the size and location of the tumor and it can be removed easily without any damage. Radiation therapy uses x-rays to kill the tumor cells and it can be used during surgery for destroying small tumors. In chemotherapy the drugs are used to kill the cancer cells. You can stimulate drugs either through veins or orally. The type of drug depends on the size and location of the tumor. If the tumor cell is larger it can be treated with the combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
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