Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Electromedicine Introduction - Fights Cancer, Powers Up Immune System

Electromedicine is defined as a discipline within the field of medicine that uses electronics and energy technologies to aid in the treatment of a variety of physical symptoms, ailments and disease conditions.

Electromedicine recognizes that the body is primarily electric and some form of electricity is found naturally in all of us and controls the function of every cell of our bodies and that a wide variety of electrical impulses in our bodies help facilitate all bodily functions including all actions needed for health maintenance, healing and regeneration.

By transmitting and conditioning the cells of the body with harmonic electrical impulses that occur in a perfect state of energetic health, we can help balance and direct these impulses.

Although electromedicine has been around since the late 1800's, the control and profits of conventional medicine, namely surgery and drugs, has overshadowed and forced into the background many viable alternatives and treatments that offer, many times, better results and, most times, less side effects.

The historic advances in electromedicine technology make it a safer, and more noticeably effective alternative. Some of the latest technologies have enabled us to see noticeable improvement in a wider variety of symptoms and in more serious conditions. The most advanced, like the Photon-Genie by Ed Skilling, have become a significant complement to other therapies without negative side effects.

Electromedicine - A Brief History

Electromedicine was first documented in 1890 at the American Electro-Therapeutic Association's annual conferences on the therapeutic use of electricity and electrical devices by physicians on ailing patients.

Since 1890, electromedicine has evolved significantly:

o Nikola Tesla - in 1895 discovered alternating current and invented the AC generator, published many papers, and invented numerous electrical devices including Tesla coil therapy instruments.

o Alexander Gurvich - in 1922 discovered "biophotons" and "mitogenic" "mitotic" waves. His work is the first documented evidence of "biophotons," and became the basis for the design of later bioelectromagnetic therapy devices.

o Georges Lakhovsky - in 1925 invented the multi-wave oscillator which produced a spectrum of electrical frequencies that restored cell equilibrium in the body, and published a paper in "Radio News" magazine titled "Curing Cancer with Ultra Radio Frequencies."

o Royal Raymond Rife - in the 1930's demonstrated how his frequency research and mitogenic impulse-wave technology (specifications in public domain) could cure cancer.

o Ed Skilling - 1950's break through discoveries with space-age electronics, transmission and communication with the cells and the body's immune system; results supercede all prior electromedicine technologies.

Quantum Leap in Electromedicine

Ed Skilling's work with advanced electronics in the late 1950's leads to a quantum leap in electromedicine. His discoveries take the results of electromedicine to a new and profound level by communicating with the cells of the body using harmonic energy impulses and by introducing the harmonic balance and flow of life-force energy throughout the body.

This harmonic energy communication triggers and directs the balanced energetic function of the cells of the body. This dynamic communication works at the cellular level and orchestrates more balanced and empowered function of organs and systems of the body.

From the inside out, these harmonics empower the body's immune system to overcome diseases and other body ailments and imbalances.

Prior electromedicine technology including Rife specifications (still used today) works with "frequencies" that do not penetrate the body at the cellular level. The difficulty is in the way our bodies are created.

The human body is created "resistant" to protect us from things flying around the universe such as ultra-violet rays and microwaves, etc. The proof is in the way we can lay out in 100 plus degree sun and burn our skin and not hurt our brain, liver, kidneys, or internal organs. While this is a blessing that protects us all, it is a problem in treating, reaching and improving internal organs and functions of the body. This is primarily why past technologies that basically "zapped" the surface of the body got limited results that were not consistent for everyone.

Skilling's breakthrough technology changes this and improves results more noticeably than any technologies of the past. His technology transmits life-force energy (the kind of energy in the cells, and natural cellular energy that the cells use to communicate with each other) and achieves energetic communication with all the organs and systems of the body at the cellular level in harmony with the "impedance" (resistance) of the body.

The Skilling technology, unlike all before, achieves communication with the body at the cellular level, moves and balances body fluids (including the lymph system), re-flows all the nerve paths, improves natural regeneration, balances and improves the immune system.

"The only known "cure" for anything is your own God given immune system. All I did is figure out how to communicate with it and power it up." Ed Skilling

Since the late 1950's, Ed Skilling has innovated and engineered many electromedicine technologies. The culmination of all his breakthroughs and developments is available in the "upgraded" Photon Genie electromedicine instrument. Some of the positive results include:

o Stimulates and strengthens immune system

o Reduces and eliminates pain

o Ozonates and oxygenates the body

o Moves and balances fluid systems of the body through blood vessels, lymph, capillaries, etc. for the transport and utilization of nutrition and vital energy

o De-vitalizes pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasites, mold, yeast), & clears infections - examples include staff infection, lyme disease, colon cancer, breast cancer, autism, ms, etc.

o Eliminates blockages by re-polarizing cells and molecules; dissolves lumps, clots, mineral deposits, etc.

o Re-establishes the cells' balanced and energized state

o Neutralizes negative thought-forms; improves emotional states

o Increases energy levels and provides a sense of well-being, relaxation and clarity

o Re-charges life-force energy at the cellular level and facilitates higher and clearer states of awareness

o Increases athletic performance and helps athletes maintain consistent peak performance without interruption from muscle stress, strain and injury; used in sports medicine and therapy for injuries, sports medicine therapy injuries, minor muscle pain relief

o Provides alternative medicine for pets, holistic pet treatments, therapy for pets, pain relief for pets: dramatic, rapid, reliable, lifesaving results for animals

o Enhances, regenerates, and tones skin making it more youthful

o Accelerates the removal of fat and cellulite, when used in conjunction with long-term exercise and proper diet

o Alleviates symptoms of PMS and menopause, including pain, irritability, bloating, depression, migraines, and hot flashes through hormonal balancing

o Supports weight-loss by neutralizing and balancing appetite cravings and increasing cellular energy levels

Discover the Link Between Chlorine in Drinking Water and Cancer

If you were worried about chlorine in drinking water, just look what they've found now.

It has been recently reported that water samples taken from a US town's water supply showed that the average level of trihalomethanes has increased about 9 percent from its previous average, which was above standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency.

The trihalomethanes are a carcinogenic byproduct formed when chlorine used to disinfect drinking water interacts with organic materials in the water supply.

One theory about why the trihalomethanes levels might be higher is that the farther water travels from the water treatment plant, the more time chlorine has to interact with organic materials.

There have also been reports of drugs found in drinking water samples taken from all over the United States, Canada and other areas of the world.

These were waters intended for public use.

As if we don't have enough to worry about.

First, it was simply a matter of taste.

The level of chlorine in drinking water at my house varies, but sometimes it would smell like pool water.

One day, I went to cook pasta and luckily looked in the bottom of the pot first. It was yellow. You could literally see the chlorine granules.

Of course, you couldn't see the drugs found in drinking water.

And, there are lots of other contaminants too small to be seen by the naked eye, but that does not mean that they are not dangerous.

My family has had a kitchen purifier since the day that the treatment facility said the level of chlorine in drinking water was considered safe, even though I could see it.

The taste was terrible.

Later, I learned that when used to disinfect, chlorine in drinking water releases toxins known as THMs or trihalomethanes.

Recently, I learned that those cause cancer.

Apparently, researchers have known for a while, but journals were afraid to publish the results.

They were afraid that there would be protests about chlorine in drinking water and the result would be that facilities would stop disinfecting.

Chlorination is the best way to kill E-coli and other bacteria that cause illnesses and death.

During a cholera outbreak in Peru, officials hesitated to use chlorination, even though it was recommended by the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

They hesitated because they knew that THMs cause cancer.

Over 10,000 people died as a result in less than a month.

So, if chlorine in drinking water is news to you, don't petition the government to stop using it.

That would be a threat to public health.

Just buy a filtration device for your kitchen and you won't have to worry about it.

If you get a good system, you won't have to worry about the drugs found in drinking water either.

The levels are very low, but scientists are unsure about what the combination of the different drugs found in drinking water samples could do over the course of a person's life.

There is no immediate health risk. It's a long term risk, similar to the risk of cancer from THM exposure.

Is There Any Way to Beat Cancer?

If you have been diagnosed with cancer it can be overwhelming. There is alot of information all over the internet and in the medical community that can seem very confusing. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer one of the most important things you need to realize is there is hope for total remission. The very first step is believing in yourself and that you can beat your cancer. Cancer is a process that happens over a period of time. You do not get cancer over night. There are several things that have gone wrong in your cell development and your body and your healthy cells where not able to fight the cancer cells. You can however reverse the process. It can take time and determination but it can be done. The further the stage your cancer is in the longer it may take to reverse the process, but you can do it. Your body is designed naturally to heal itself. When we get a cut, an injury, major surgery, illness, broken bones, etc. your body will repair itself. The brain automatically sends out signals to your entire body to fight the ailment or illness. The better you take care of yourself and provide your body and cells with the essentials it needs the easier your body can heal itself. Your body does this everyday of your life, healing itself, rebuilding itself and providing you with life.

You may not be aware of this, but everyone has cancer cells. Your body, especially your white cells (NK Cells) fight off and kill the cancer cells. One NK cell attaches to a cancer cell and kills it in a matter of seconds. That same NK cell can continue to kill numerous cancer cells before that NK cell dies off. Your body will naturally continue producing more NK cells. It is an ongoing natural process in your body.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Women and cancer

These 18 articles consider cancers that affect both men and women as well as those particular to women. They cover the effects of the near-epidemic rate of lung cancer on women, surgical treatment of breast cancer, including an analysis of tissue diagnoses and the outcomes of each surgical option, medical management and evaluation therapy for breast cancer, breast reconstruction surgery from a female surgeon's point of view, colorectal cancer and its effects on sexual function and body image, gynecological cancers (of the ovary, uterus, cervix, and vulva and gestational trophoblastic disease), psychosocial issues and their effects on women's body image during cancer treatment, sexuality and self-identity amongst women with cancer, cancer's effects on life cycles such as fertility and menopause, and treatment of women with venous thromboembolism and cancer.

Fundraising for cancer

The national president of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars will visit Salt Lake City and Layton April 13-15 as part of Cancer Awareness Month.

President Virginia Carman is asking the public to join the auxiliary in the fight against cancer. The National Ladies Auxiliary raises more than $3 million each year for research and for grants to members stricken with cancer.

During her visits, Carman will visit local members in different parts of the state, including an open house reception Sunday, April 13, from 5-6 p.m. at the VFW Post 3586 in Salt Lake City and a dinner at the Layton VFW Post 8307 Monday, April 14, at 6 p.m.

Prostate cancer

The editors (both of the Institute of Urology, U. College London, UK) present 18 papers on prostate cancer therapies. They open with chapters on nutrition, lifestyle interventions, and prevention; the current state of biomarkers for prostate cancer; histopathological markers and precursor lesions; and prostate cancer screening. A section on regional prostate cancer includes chapters on assessment of treatment strategies using risk stratification and prediction of clinical outcomes, treatment strategies for low-risk and high-risk cancers, and treatment strategies for biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer. Advanced prostate cancer is the subject of the next section, which includes discussion of hormonal therapy, chemotherapy, molecular strategies and clinical trial design, and therapeutic strategies of palliative care. The final chapters address management of complications, including spinal cord compression and fractures, urinary obstruction, erectile dysfunction, and pain. Published by Clinical Publishing, UK, an imprint of Atlas Medical Publishing Ltd; distributed in the US by BookMasters.


TWO Kerry men are cycling 737 miles around Ireland for cancer charities. Kilcummin natives Kieran Lynch and David Fleming, started their trip last week and hope to end in Killarney on September 2.

Friday, September 26, 2008

How to Care For Cancer Pain at Home

Pain is a kind of subjective feeling against the harmful stimulation to the body. Cancer pain is one of the main symptoms of cancer. Particularly more than 60% patients of terminal cancer are suffering from serious pain.

For the cancer patients in family therapy who has longer course and less pain, we can relieve their pain through psychotherapy and physical therapy. It is easy to do, and can enhance their confidence to overcome the disease.

Below are some commonly used methods:

1. Psychological hint: This method is mainly to enhance the confidence of their own to overcome diseases. We imply that patients do some self-regulations, tell them that they can be cured through the treatment, and enhance their courage to survive. Give patients adequate nutrition and let them do rehabilitation training, stimulate the potential of patients to kill cancer cells and alleviate the symptoms of pain.

2. Relaxation: Relaxation can reduce body pain, muscle relaxation can block the pain response. Let the patient close eyes, breathe deeply and relax the whole body. This will let the patient feel comfortable and forget pain temporarily.

3. Physical treatment: We can stimulate the skin around the pain to stop aching. The methods include massage, wiping pain-killers and temperature stimulation. For example, use hot compress bag 20 minutes per time.

4. Attention transfer: Let the patient sit comfortably, close the eyes, recall some interesting things or do what he likes to do, each time 15 minutes. In addition, we can increase some nice music with rhythm, or some jokes and comedies. So to transfer the attention of patients and alleviate their suffering.

Handling Cancer on the NHS

The NHS boasts it is "best in the world". So why do we have one of the worst post cancer survival rates in Europe?

Possibly this is partly our fault. Most people diagnosed with cancer in Britain meekly accept what doctors offer; they feel it is wrong to challenge a diagnosis, and as one doctor told me "patients should ask for a second opinion".

My favourite medic told a conference at the Royal Marsden, Britain's flagship cancer treatment centre, "doctors don't know how to talk to patients": loud cheers from patients in the audience, whilst medics sat stony-faced. Revd. David Brown was Chaplain at the hospital for 21 years, and said doctors would come to him and say "David, I don't know how to talk to patients".

So it is up to patients to talk WITH their doctors. Don't worry about being a nuisance, as privately oncologists admit patients that "kick up a fuss" generally recover better. We need to get over NHS arrogance, and copy what is offered to patients in Europe. As a patient, I became incensed when doctors in Britain dismissed blindness in one eye, caused by one of the drugs I was on, with "I have never seen this before". It was a French professor who said this was a rare but well-documented side effect of the drug I had been put on, Tamoxifen.

I saw what help I could get in Europe, mostly common sense, but denied to patients in Britain because doctors just won't look abroad and copy procedures and treatments. If we find information on the Internet that will help us, we don't have to meekly accept arrogant decisions and advice from our medics. We should demand treatment and products European cancer patients receive - so hopefully we all survive longer.

For most patientss, everything goes relatively well. Yes, you are going to get tired for no apparent reason. Yes, you get nauseous and have problems with chemo, but as time goes on these are much better handled. You get used to talking to medics, and find whilst you arebeing treated in hospital your problems get sorted. Complicatons come when you are given a hormonal drug such as Tamoxifen, and told you don't have to come back for three months.

5% of patients won't get any side effects, and sail through the next five years. The other 95% do, and these can include temporary blindness and peeling, bloody and painful skin eruptions. These made me the patient from hell. I didn't believe attempts to fob me off with "it's your age" and demanded to know "why?"

Eventually it became obvious that the NHS is overstretched; it concentrates on primary treatment, leaving cancer charities to pick up the aftermath.

So, why not take advantage of a short break holiday and go to Europe? In most EU countries patients live longer post cancer, and I suspect this is because their doctors don't dismiss side effects from hormonal drugs, but help patients throughout the five years they take them. I had a lovely time learning about good post cancer treatment. Who could complain joining German cancer patients having free massages, or French women getting skincare advice with lovely clinically-tested products proven to do cancer-skins good?!

Currently the UK ranks between 17th and 25th for life expectancy post cancer (depending if it is NHS or World Health Organisation survey), I asked the Dept of Health if the NHS were sending people to Europe to see what we could copy. Their arrogant reply "we have no plans" beggars belief.

Pound for pound, euro for euro, French cancer treatment is probably the best in world. Overall their health service (state and health insurance top ups together) costs roughly the same as our NHS. But when private insurance companies are involved, they demand accountability. No insurance company would allow hospitals get away with the expensive administration we have in the NHS. The Sunday Telegraph wrote recently that in the past ten years "NHS administrator numbers increased 64%, as against 43% for doctors and 25% for nurses", yet "productivity has fallen by 10%".

With administrators on lb150,000+ salaries we still have the worst MRSA figures in Europe. So instead of giving us similar treatment to Europeans, the NHS is paying for the extra administrators, and, as cancer guru Prof. Karol Sikora says, "the depth of pile in their carpets".

But there is no reason why we can't copy some of the European treatments, and have fun after cancer. These aren't 'airy fairy' treatments or 'miracle foods', but clinically approved products, some of which we can obtain on NHS, but doctors don't have time to tell us, and things such as massage that Macmillan surveys have proven to be very helpful. But before trying anything, tell your doctor or oncology nurse - there might be contra-indications.

Cancer Surgery - Get it in India

Cancer treatments have made many miracles to the patients from all over the country. There are several cancer research centers all over the countries that are inventing various new methods in treatment of cancer. The cancer centers hospitals of India provide treatment to abroad patients at a very less price as compared to the cost of abroad cancer surgery hospitals. In India medical treatment centers for cancer treatment are at Delhi, Chennai, Calcutta, Hyderabad and Mumbai. Cancer surgeries have produced 85% of successful results in India by completely curing the patients. The development of advanced cancer surgery procedures lead to higher survival rate and improve the quality of life. The cancer survival patients have been back to their work normally as before they were. Because of low cost of cancer treatment and availability of experienced surgeons in India, cancer surgery hospitals of India are gaining more popularity in abroad, many abroad patients are attracted to India for getting their cancer treatment done at low cost.

Cancer is simply an abnormal growth of cells in various body parts that have to be dealt within proper time. All cancers begin in cells, the body's basic unit of life. Cells make up tissues, and tissues make up the organs of the body. Normally, cells grow and get multiplied to form new cells as the body needs them. When cells grow old and die, new cells take their place. Sometimes this orderly process breaks down. New cells form when the body does not need them, or old cells do not die when they should. These extra cells can form a mass of tissue called a growth or tumor. Thus we can say cancer is abnormal growth of body cells. Different cancer surgeries available in India are Bladder cancer surgery, bone cancer surgery, brain tumor surgery, breast cancer surgery, liver cancer surgery, lung cancer surgery, salivary gland cancer surgery, head and neck cancer surgery, prostate cancer surgery, pituitary gland tumor surgery, pancreatic cancer surgery, penile cancer surgery, leukemia surgery, lymphoma surgery. Cancer though a life threatening disease it can be prevented and cured if early detected. There are various methods of treatment for cancer like surgical removal of cancer, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, Hormonal therapy, Immunological therapy etc. The success rate of cancer surgery at the early stage of cancer is very good but the success rate reduces as the stage of cancer increases but it can also be cured with most advanced techniques available in medical field.

Medical tourism is a new and growing concept worldwide many countries invite patients from other countries and provide low cost packages to abroad patients for their treatment. Medical tourism of India provides different low cost packages to abroad patients for their treatment in India. For comfortable stay of abroad patients they arrange very good accommodation, their tickets and provision of good treatment facilities is also taken care by them. Many abroad patients are getting attracted to India for their cancer treatment.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Where Do Celebrities Go For Cancer Treatment?

Celebrity Cancer Treatment

Where do celebrities like Kylie Minogue, Marianne Faithfull and others go for cancer treatment? Off to France.

France has some of the best cancer treatment in the world. Britain is getting better, but once hospital treatment finishes - that's it. "Take these pills every day for the next five years". Then you'll get a hurried check-up every six months.

These pills are hormonal drugs, often fought over in the Courts for our treatment (remember Herceptin?). But what no-one tells 95% of British patients is that side effects from these drugs often need specialist treatment; which the NHS is loath to provide. So, if you are a celebrity, or one of a gathering number of Brits who are prepared to pay for informed advice - off you go France.

French cancer treatment doesn't stop with hospital visits. They know side effects are going to be with you for a long time, so provide excellent care, often at a local medical spa. No prizes for guessing British post cancer survival rates hover a blush-making bottom of European Statistics; France comes top of table.

So when you need treatment or TLC for hormonal drug side effects, how can you follow celebrities to France?

I found the best way is a letter of introduction from any doctor, listing your medical history. Send this to the Medical Director of your chosen spa, and you are in the system. Can't find the right person? The tourist office will be able to help.

French doctors understand side effects of hormonal drugs, and help you get through the five years' treatment cycle as easily as possible. There is expert help, allied to proven therapies which are usually very pampering: think massage, face treatments for dry skin, reflexology, etc. All you have to do is lie back, knowing the massage or treatment you are having is supervised by medical staff.

When the figures came out in The Lancet, showing Britain way down the tables for post cancer survival, I asked what plans the Dept. Health had to copy post cancer care in Europe.

"None" - came back arrogant reply.

One wonders if this is because the treatments are often similar to 'beauty' treatments? But charities like Macmillan have done extensive studies proving their benefits.

After cancer treatment in London, I tapped into the French system, and now every few weeks off I go for a short break. I call this medical treatment; any fly on the way will know that I constantly have a smile on my face. Talking to doctors about any niggling worries or problems that have cropped up, I then indulge in treatments, and the only nasty side is knowing that many of the local patients are getting this on their health schemes.

There doesn't seem to be a language problem. You can request an English-speaking doctor, and many therapists and staff speak English; but medicine is international; just lie back and leave them to sort out your massage, skin problems, or whatever.

Most medical spas specialising in post cancer treatment have the word 'Bain' in their names; this is because treatments followed healing thermal waters. At Aix-les-Bains you see patients smiling as tiny jets of warm water play on throat cancer sites. Brides-les-Bains is a lovely old Thermal spa with aromatherapy massage and reflexology and the chance to lose weight with fantastic menus; useful if hormonal drugs have caused weight gain.

Or head towards the west coast and La Roche Posay. They have been treating patients here ever since a knight's horse fell into the river and was cured of eczema. Today it's more likely that patients come to have special warm water massages to restore dried-out cancer skin; the selenium in the water is particularly helpful.

Originally the spa developed skincare to disguise burn marks, and just grew. The medics produced a fantastic range of skincare products, using the local water, and recently they developed a range specially for post cancer patients. Now, the skincare production has been taken over by Vichy, and these products are going to be available in Britain at chemists under the name of La Roche Posay skincare- so you can use the same creams as the celebrities.

Typically French, La Roche Posay realised women like to look good, so not only are skin creams formulated for post cancer, but so are cosmetics. My favourite is a mascara developed especially for cancer patients; any patient who has despaired of ever seeing their eyelashes again, should try this.

Looking in the mirror you see you have almost-celebrity style lashes. Sitting next to me at the make-up bar - nothing 'hospital-like' about this treatment centre, a fellow Brit suddenly beamed: Vive La France - I've got my face back!

How to Care For Cancer Pain at Home

Pain is a kind of subjective feeling against the harmful stimulation to the body. Cancer pain is one of the main symptoms of cancer. Particularly more than 60% patients of terminal cancer are suffering from serious pain.

For the cancer patients in family therapy who has longer course and less pain, we can relieve their pain through psychotherapy and physical therapy. It is easy to do, and can enhance their confidence to overcome the disease.

Below are some commonly used methods:

1. Psychological hint: This method is mainly to enhance the confidence of their own to overcome diseases. We imply that patients do some self-regulations, tell them that they can be cured through the treatment, and enhance their courage to survive. Give patients adequate nutrition and let them do rehabilitation training, stimulate the potential of patients to kill cancer cells and alleviate the symptoms of pain.

2. Relaxation: Relaxation can reduce body pain, muscle relaxation can block the pain response. Let the patient close eyes, breathe deeply and relax the whole body. This will let the patient feel comfortable and forget pain temporarily.

3. Physical treatment: We can stimulate the skin around the pain to stop aching. The methods include massage, wiping pain-killers and temperature stimulation. For example, use hot compress bag 20 minutes per time.

4. Attention transfer: Let the patient sit comfortably, close the eyes, recall some interesting things or do what he likes to do, each time 15 minutes. In addition, we can increase some nice music with rhythm, or some jokes and comedies. So to transfer the attention of patients and alleviate their suffering.

Cancer - The Social And Spiritual Dynamics

Cancer, just hearing it mentioned strikes fear, dread, sadness, and anger: emotions now prevalent in our daily lives. Cancer is "the disease" of these modern times. Why has this illness become as common as owning a computer in this country? How did cancer become such an epidemic? Where does it come from? What can we learn from it and what can we do about it and with it?

As I look upon our society as a whole and examine the overall infrastructure, I feel and see a society that is ill; overrun with materialism, competition, coldness, sadness and a sincere lack of true community and a sincere lack of having a real interest in and heartfelt thinking towards each other.

I peer through these observations with a heavy heart because I have experienced these feelings and pressures of life. Striving to see the positive, I know many folks are waking up and seeking and building community, peace, a higher calling to serve mankind, and heartfelt thinking and feeling towards one another.

However, cancer is not going away anytime soon, and why is that? From the spiritual/emotional/ mental aspect, I sense that isolation and loneliness, coupled with the lack of real communication and the over stimulation of our senses with materialism, is a core factor. People, on the whole, are rather lost and isolated in the true sense of human connection and community. Loneliness, anxiety, separation, and stress all lead to a feeling of despair, a feeling of life as a struggle; this in turn weakens all of the bodies that make up the human being: physical, etheric, astral, and ego. When the bodies are not properly aligned, illness and disease can manifest. Two quotes by Rudolf Steiner come to mind in regards to disease and suffering.

There is exactly as much suffering and pain in the world as there is interest only in the physical and material.

And for the whole human being, there is hardly anything worse than being far away in the soul, with one's heart, from what the head must perform. The more people have to do what does not interest them, the weaker they make their ether body.

From these statements, we realize the gravity and seriousness of why cancer is so prevalent in our society. Most folks, including myself, have experienced that painful feeling of doing something with your head that your heart has no interest in. Now, I am not saying this in regards to doing chores or other obligations and responsibilities of life, but in regards to a vocation or project that you have no interest in or a relationship that is not fulfilling, yet you are afraid to leave it and move on. These things can literally tear your soul and drastically weaken your etheric body. This, I feel, is a huge phenomenon in life, especially the working of a job that is slowly killing your soul. New creative jobs and community-based industries that support the local economy in all aspects are needed to create a feeling of worthiness and respect for many people and for the good of the entire community.

The quote about the relationship of pain and suffering and an individual's interest only in the physical and material holds true, though not in direct proportion to the person who only has material interests. Many people diagnosed with cancer are loving and caring individuals and many people with only material thoughts and interests do not contract this disease. Perhaps those with cancer are better able to deal with it, or perhaps they are taking a higher role in taking on the consequences of all the material and physical thoughts that are produced every day in the world. I really do not know, but it is definitely a huge and deep thought to ponder. What are the spiritual aspects behind someone contracting cancer? I think deeply on this because my mother, Kay Gillette, lived life with a passion for helping others with love and kindness; yet, she left the physical world at the age of 63 from the effects of a brain tumor.

We also need to look at the prevailing materialistic forces, as they are definitely influencing mankind in a way that is out of balance. These forces go hand in hand with modern diseases like cancer; they strive to infuse materialistic thoughts in everyone, with no inclination toward spiritual forces and a living spiritual world.

Unlike in the past when different forces influenced diseases infused with heat (fever), accompanied with hallucinations, vivid images and a sense of lifting out of the physical body, the materialistic forces of today are connected with cold, accompanied by hardening, homogenization and a feeling of being driven deep into the physical body.

Our society is cancerous and it is deeply affecting everyone.

Looking to the physical world, we have to take into account, the "Toxic Load" of this world in which we live. There is no need to go into detail as it is blatantly obvious that the water, the air, the commercial food, and the chemical products that are a part of our daily lives are affecting the health of everyone and the health of our society and are, clearly, a part of this cancer epidemic.
Therapeutically, what can be done to decrease the risks of cancer and effectively nourish someone who has this disease, with a high possibility of transforming that person's health so that the cancer is no more an issue and health and vitality are restored?

The total view of life must be taken into account when someone is working on breaking free of cancer and breaking into a new life. Aspects of nutrition, relationships, spirituality, mental/emotional powers, movement, vocation, and other life attributes have to be brought into balance and harmony. New ways of living, feeling, willing, and thinking must be brought forth.

Nutritionally, I have found that a predominately raw foods diet, including raw meat, raw eggs, and raw dairy, especially raw butter, gives the body the necessary nutrients to remove and dissolve toxins, dead cells and cancerous cells and to regenerate new cell growth that allows for rebuilding and revitalizing the effected areas of the body. Raw meat is the best source of food to generate new cellular growth and raw fat is the best source of food to dissolve and remove toxins, dead cells and cancerous cells. Raw fresh vegetable juices will alkalize and oxygenate the body and aid the raw fat in dissolving toxins. This diet can take some time to get used to, but in my professional opinion, it is the best diet to heal from cancer and bring forth health and vitality. All foods should be free of chemicals and the dairy, eggs, and meat should be from pastured chickens, wild fish, and cows that eat grass. Various herbs and supplements are also very important to facilitate healing and detoxification.

In addition to cleansing the body with organic whole foods, supplements, and other natural protocols, the home must be cleansed of all toxic cleaners, detergents, body care products, etc. The water for drinking and bathing must be filtered. Even the clothes a person wears should be natural, like cotton, wool, and silk.

To a certain extent, those with cancer need to get back to nature as much possible, including walking with and enjoying Mother Nature and all her healing and comforting attributes.

Furthermore, any negative relationships, vocations, and or mental/emotional states need to be addressed and guided back to harmony through diligent and courageous inner work. The serenity prayer is a wonderful prayer to take to heart and soul during a challenging time.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change:
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.

Although cancer is normally seen as a tragedy in our society, a new prospective must be considered. Cancer must be looked upon as a calling to change our society and ourselves: a deep change that brings life back to a balanced living state where the physical and spiritual worlds are working together and guiding mankind to why we are really here: to evolve as the universe evolves with higher spiritual thinking, to fully grasp and understand the spiritual mysteries, to develop heart felt and loving relationships that can be continued into the spiritual world, and to develop a true sense of brotherhood and sisterhood by sincerely becoming interested and concerned with how your fellow human beings are doing and living.

Cancer can take our society and us on the present currents of fear, isolation and gross materialism, or we can alter the currents and change the direction of cancer with love, a real sense of community, the cleansing of our bodies and the environment, and the persistent and devoted work we must perform with each other and with the spiritual world.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Medically Safe Total Cystectomy Available in India

As if you know, international patients are coming to India for total cystectomy. In western countries, the cost of urosurgery is 10 times more as compared to our country. We all know that medical facilities in that side are excellent. But just because of cost consideration people are traveling here for medical treatment. Medical infrastructure of our country is becoming stronger day by day. There is no doubt that India is becoming a medical hub. When you decide to come to India for the treatment, you need someone here, someone whom you can trust to find the best and cost effective hospitals, accommodation and other travel plans. Urosurgery is one of those surgeon centric medical specialties, since the results of a procedure is mainly depends of the skills and precision of the urosurgeon. The rate mainly depends on the surgeon's fee and the hospital you select because most of the surgeons work in more than 1 hospital and the operation room charges etc are different from hospital to hospital... Medical tourism can be broadly defined as provision of 'cost effective' private medical care in collaboration with the tourism industry for patients needing total cystectomy in India and other forms of specialized treatment. This process is being facilitated by the corporate sector involved in medical care as well as the tourism industry - both private and public. Medical or health tourism has become a common form of vacationing, and covers a broad spectrum of medical services. It mixes leisure, fun and relaxation together with wellness and healthcare.

It also known as radical cystectomy is surgical is the removal of the entire bladder, nearby lymph nodes (lymphadenectomy), part of the urethra, and nearby organs that may have been invaded by the cancer cells. In men, the nearby organs that are removed are the prostate, the seminal vesicles, and part of the vas deferens. In women, the cervix, the uterus, the ovaries, the fallopian tubes, and part of the vagina are also removed. The ureters are disconnected from the bladder and urinary diversion is created. If you have bladder cancer that has invaded the muscle layer and is locally invasive or if your cancer has come back after the initial treatment, then you are an ideal candidate.


The 5 year survival rate after total cystectomy, for people who have bladder cancer is 75%.


Bowel obstruction
Perforation of bowel with peritonitis
Injury to urethra and / or rectum
Erectile dysfunction

The idea of the health holiday is to offer you an opportunity to get away from your daily routine and come into a different relaxing surrounding. You can enjoy being close to the beach and the mountains. At the same time you are able to receive an orientation that will help you improve your life in terms of your health and general well being. It is like rejuvenation and cleans up process on all levels - physical, mental and emotional. Many people from the developed world come here for the rejuvenation promised by yoga and Ayurvedic massage, but few consider India a destination for total cystectomy or brain surgery. However, a nice blend of top-class medical expertise at attractive prices is helping a growing number of Indian corporate hospitals lure foreign patients, including from developed nations such as the UK and the US. As more and more patients from Europe, the US and other affluent nations with high medicare costs look for effective options, India is the best, which have good hospitals, salubrious climate and tourist destinations with advanced medical facilities and built-in medical tourism options have been drawing foreign patients of the order of a couple of lakhs per annum, the rapidly expanding Indian corporate hospital sector has been able to get a few thousands for treatment.

What to Do When You Have Cancer?

Whenever people get cancer, meditationwise and dietwise here's what I'd tell them:

1. Dietwise, they should cut out sugars immediately as cancer thrives on sugars. Milk, for instance, is a sugar so cut out the dairy products (which most people are allergic too anyway). Grains easily turn into glucose, too, so cut down on the grain consumption as well.

No one, without testing can tell you which diet is best for the cancer patient. We have the Budwig diet, Gerson diet, macrobiotic diet and all sorts of diets and supplements. Some will work well for you, and others are exactly the worst diet to try.

What we can say is to cut out food allergens that may be taxing your immune system, as the government now recognizes that most cancers are caused by dietary factors and the environment. For this I recommend the ImmunoLabs blood test out of Florida. And for rebuilding the body, take green powders as they are easily absorbed and supply all sorts of the right ingredients for fighting cancer and rebuilding the body. There are also products like Seacure you can use when taking chemotherapy, but I basically tell folks to supply their bodies with the greens, cut out the sugars and food allergies.

Without tests, that's all anyone can safely say. If you do blood tests and hair analysis and urine tests to see what's going on internally, you can see what people are missing nutritionally, and then you can intervene with supplements. But if you just star popping supplements it can sometimes be a waste.

2. As to the immune system, once again you could spend a fortune on supplements to bolster the immune system but many doctors recommend mushrooms, particularly those from JHS Naturals. Remember, mushroom supplements are the FIRST thing a doctor from Japan will put you on (and don't tell me their medical knowledge is inferior to ours, as they do double blind studies as well). You can also try supplements like Immune26, but it depends on the situation.

3. For detoxing the body, which is usually necessary when the cancer has an environmental cause (exposure to chemicals, etc.) there's our detox ebook, which is what I recommend people purchase and why I recommend people detox once per year. Right now I'm on my yearly detox schedule using Nature's Pure Body, enzymes, lipoic acid and nattokinase. I also like the Richard Schulze (American Botanical Pharmacy) insights in fighting cancer as a terminal disease, which focus on detoxification, and I like his insights on dealing with the terminal patient mentality.

Now lack of detoxification is not always the main culprit behind cancer, but often it's part of the puzzle. The problem with detox as a cure is that if this has contributed to cancer in the first place, by the time the cancer surfaces, the detoxification required to help the situation is SO severe that too much has to be done all at once. That's why I recommend detoxing every year.

Women, for instance, don't recognize that their breasts are simply collection pools for all the chemicals and pesticides sprayed on the food that we eat nowadays, so lymph drainage and detox routines are a way to cut down on those risks. Men... all of you will have some degree of prostate cancer by the time you are a senior, but it's just that you usually don't die from it.

4. To fight the cancer directly, you have to recognize that most cancer chemotherapy is based on platinum compounds and there's been dozens of cases trickling in now of people who've taken colloidal platinum who've reported cancer cures. One doctor I know of even talked to researchers at Sloan Kettering who said they knew it killed cancer, but they said no one was interested in sponsoring the detailed research because there's no money to be made without a patent. This doctor, however, went on to cure his bladder cancer by drinking stuff.

This is all anecdotal, mind you, but the science behind the use of colloidal platinum for cancer is there. However, I'm not about to believe that a billion dollar industry wants to study and popularize a $100 supplement like this, so you're on your own. I could tell stories about this sort of thing where really good supplements get destroyed by the system, but you're left to using your own wisdom muscles. All I can do is alert you to this stuff, as it can save your life.

5. As to meditation, once again it all comes down to letting go of thoughts and abiding in emptiness. Once you do that and let go of the thoughts that bind you, your chi can arise unobstructedly and spread throughout your body, without constraint, and help in your recovery. It's all science. Even Richard Schulze found out that when people let go of some hateful thought patterns they clung to for years, that release helped in their recovery. Why? Same reason! They let go of thoughts, and finally their natural chi flows were restored which helped heal them. The cancer--in the first place--arose partially due to a non-natural set of consciousness-chi linkages which should NOT have been clung to.

Naturally meditation doesn't work 100% of the time, but Ainslie Meares found it resulted in "spontaneous remission" in 10% of the cases he studied. At the minimum it produces less pain and death with dignity. That's far better than getting cut up (surgery), drugged up (chemo) and radiated when there's no hope.

In Hindsight, Pancreatic Cancer Reared Its Ugly Head With Subtle Early Signs

My father died over 4 years ago from pancreatic cancer. Unfortunately, the first sign my father had of this cancer (he awoke jaundice) was also the final stages of this hideous disease. All cancers are terrible, but pancreatic cancer takes it one step further. Its first noticeable symptoms are usually the final ones. In hindsight, I realize my family and I were given many clues that my fathers health was changing. Unfortunately, not one of us noticed those signs in time.

One of the first signs of pancreatic cancer is abdominal pain, frequently radiating to the back. My father did not have radiating back pain, but instead suffered a dull, achy pain. Since he had always had a troublesome back which lead to surgery years earlier, he dismissed this as nothing serious. He started sessions with a chiropractor, who tried to alleviate the constant ache.

Another symptom that was overlooked, was his weight loss. He had always been a giant of a man and usually maintained his weight at 240. He started losing weight, but insisted that he was tired of his belly being his table and wanted to lose the pounds. I believe he truly felt what he was saying was true, but the underlying cause is what has me convinced that pancreatic cancer was rearing its ugly head very early.

Around the beginning of 2003 my father started getting picky about his food. Nothing grossly peculiar, but for a man who would sit down and enjoy every hearty meal, suddenly some of his favorite foods just didn't taste right to him. He would have my mom taste the morsel and although she would tell him that it was fine he would insist it tasted funny or was not prepared right.

In hindsight my Dads food tasting different was a very big sign that his health was changing, but certainly not the biggest clue that we got and failed to notice. My Dad was a beer drinker his whole life. He drank beer everyday. I don't want to make him sound like a hobo on the tracks, but he worked hard and he played hard. He enjoyed beer with his meals. He enjoyed beer after mowing his grass. He enjoyed beer watching his football games. He was a beer drinking guy.

Imagine to our amazement, when he just stopped drinking it. He just didn't care for the taste any longer and drank water or diet cola with his meals. That still didn't trigger a clue for us and it masked the clue for losing weight. With my father not drinking beer it was a given that he was going to lose weight. Therefore we lost another valuable clue that my fathers health was changing. All of this was approximately 1 year before his diagnosis.

Another sign that we didn't recognize was my Dad constantly eating peanuts. He could not get enough of them. Shortly before his skin turned jaundice, his whole body became itchy. I have since learned that the itchiness was caused from bile salt crystals backing up under his skin. The tumor was at the head of the pancreas and unknowing to us was already blocking his bile duct. I don't know where the peanuts fit in other then their salt content. He might have been craving for salt since it was accumulating in his skin tissue instead of being distributed throughout his body, but that I'm just guessing.

I am not in the medical field, but I have been obsessed with pancreatic cancer funding and trying to find early detection. Pancreatic cancer is a silent killer and the deadliest of all cancers. I am hoping that by writing this article it can bring awareness to its readers on some very subtle changes in ones health that were obviously noticeable in my Dads case, but not observed or processed by us as anything major or needing our immediate attention.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

New Smart Bomb Gives Hope For Kidney Cancer

There's new hope for kidney cancer patients as a new so called "smart bomb" could reach the clinical test stages in the next few years.

In the UK kidney cancer is the 10th most prevalent cancer and effects about 7000 people a year resulting in about 3500 deaths a year. It's also been given the title of "silent killer" because it doesn't always present with symptoms and in a number of cases (including mine) it's found incidentally.

The problem to date is that treatments such as chemotherapy and immunotherapy have limited impact on kidney cancer, and although huge strides have been made over the past few years generally these drugs will only help to stabilise the condition. That's not to say that some people don't have a complete response with these treatments it's just less prevalent than in other forms of cancer.

The current kidney cancer drugs have a tendency to be very toxic and the side effects make it difficult for some patients to tolerate over a prolonged period. This is where the new "smart bomb" technology steps in, it enables the packaging of smaller doses of drugs into nanoparticles where they can be targeted at cancer cells rather than the current method of large doses.

Although there seems to be no claim that the drugs will be any more effective it does mean that the side effects will be dramatically reduced which you'd hope would give patients more strength to fight and the medics more options.

They've been testing on mice so far with a drug found in soil fungus, but the tests show that tumour shrinkage was on average 35% and metastases was reduced by 91% compared to mice that received the formula in the usual way.

It's really encouraging to see these new developments, maybe in the not too distant future there'll finally be a real cure for this silent killer.

Beating Cancer - Wonder Foods Believed to Cure Cancer

We all know it is important to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. If you have cancer, it is even more important that you're getting your daily intake of essential vitamins and minerals. But did you know there are certain foods that can help you beat cancer? Not only can they slow and prevent tumor growth, some have actually been proven to shrink tumors and improve your immune system's ability to beat cancer.

Apricots, peaches, cherries, and berries all contain amygdalin. This is probably one of the best-known cancer fighting agents and is found in over 1200 different natural foods. Berries also contain various phytochemicals that slow tumor growth and block further cancer development. The foods with the highest sources of the cancer-fighting agent amygdalin are in the seeds of non-citrus foods.

Strawberries contain all of the cancer fighting ingredients as other berries, but also contain high amounts of vitamin C. Vitamin C has been shown to help the body's natural defenses in fighting cancer by boosting the immune system and is a powerful antioxidant. It has also been shown to encapsulate tumors and prevent the further spread of cancer. Other foods high in vitamin C include papaya, raw red bell peppers, steamed broccoli, brussel sprouts, oranges, cantaloupe, kiwi, cauliflower, and kale.

Broccoli contains high amounts of vitamin C and is also highly rich in beta carotene. Beta carotene strengthens your body's immunity and has been proven in animal studies to decrease tumor growth, prevent cancer reoccurrence, and extend survival rates and is a powerful antioxidant. It is especially effective in cancers developing from epithelial tissue, which accounts for 90% of all cancer cases. Carrots and zucchini are also high in beta carotene. It can be found in many green and yellow fruits and vegetables and most mixed vegetable juices are rich in beta carotene.

Olive leaves are emerging as another powerful cancer fighting food. It has now been found to contain a very powerful phytochemical that may prove to kill cancer cells as well as lower blood pressure and cholesterol. In fact, it has been found to have five times the antioxidant effects as that of vitamin C. Olive leaves may not be the most tasteful of foods, but it can be combined in tasty recipe dishes or even mashed and made into a tea or thick green drink.

Barley and wheat grass are cereal grasses that are powerful cancer fighters. They are rich in chlorophyll, which has great health promoting effects. They are also known to have an anticarcinogenic effect and prevent further tumor growth. They contain high amounts of phytonutrients and have a highly antioxidant effect. Dried wheat grass has more vitamins and nutrients in a small spoonful than many servings of fruits and vegetables and is often called a green super food. Did you know that wheat grass even contains many more times the amount of vitamin C than oranges?

There are many foods that will help you in your cancer fight. You should combine as many cancer-fighting foods as possible by creating your own cancer fighting diet for the best results. Cancer fighting foods have been proven to reduce the growth and spread of cancers and prevent reoccurrences. They will also improve your body's natural defenses to help you overcome the odds and live a full cancer free life.

Coffee & Cancer Facts

A regular cup of coffee contains a number of antioxidants that are good for health. Antioxidants are chemical compounds present in foods that help to shield the body from various toxins and can even be preventative in the development of cancer in the body. Most antioxidants are derived from plants, coffee being one of them. Research done has shown that there are many antioxidant benefits of coffee. In these research studies conducted by various universities, however, there was no apparent relation found between the consumption of coffee and cancer development in a person; many believe that the amount of coffee that would need to be consumed in order to reap the anti-cancer benefits of the antioxidants found in coffee is just too high. It has been shown; however, that drinking coffee in moderation can decrease risk of cancer development for coffee drinkers as compared to non-coffee drinkers. Here are some of the cancers that have a decreased risk for coffee drinkers:

* Breast Cancer: Research from Malamo University in Sweden and The Harvard School of Public Health in Boston have shown that women who drank two or more cups of coffee a day were at A lesser risk of cancer as compared to women who drank no coffee at all. The cancer preventing properties of coffee have been attributed to caffeine present in the coffee that modifies the carcinogenic components of female sex hormone Estrogen.
* Skin Cancer: A cup of coffee after a walk in the sun can help reduce the risk of skin cancer. According to a study published in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention, coffee consumption can cut the risk of non-melanoma skin cancer by 35%. The antioxidants present in coffee have a protective effect on the DNA synthesis, and this can help decrease the cell division of the cells.
* Liver Cancer: Coffee drinking has been shown to have a preventive effect on cirrhosis which is the starting stage for liver cancer compared to non-coffee drinkers, those who drank up to 1-2 cups of coffee daily had a 50% less risk of first stage liver cancer. Caffeine present in coffee is found to be the main reason for coffee's effect on liver cancer.
* Colon Cancer: Drinking more than five cups of coffee a day can lower the risk of colorectal cancer. Along with increasing the movement of food in the bowels, coffee is believed to help reduce the production of bile acids that are known to increase the threat of bowel cancer. Antioxidants present in coffee also play a significant role in preventing cell damage.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Can Eating Cure Cancer?

The latest study reported in the British Journal of Cancer recommends the Mediterranean Diet, saying fruits, vegetables, cereals, and fish are good, and we should eat less red meat. Another study also commends broccoli.

However, currently there is no one 'superfood' that can stop you developing cancer.
But if you eat healthily, you have a better chance of a good recovery. The healthier your body is, the more reserves you have to fight nasty 'invasions'.

Fish comes highly recommended - BUT - having seen how farmed fish live, I would strongly recommend that if you buy salmon, ensure that it is organically farmed, unless you can afford wild salmon; Waitrose and good fishmongers sell both types in season. Looking at the fish counter in the average supermarket, you see how organic salmon is a paler colour, and fish farmers are given a chart to match the colour supermarkets think customers want. Me, I don't want any artificial colouring in my food, thank you.

If you like meat, try things like kidneys and liver; lambs' kidneys are incredibly cheap, and can be cooked in olive oil, adding more brownie points. Peas and beans also score highly, both are easily frozen, and recent studies confirm that frozen veg. have all the benefits of fresh, but in an easy form to store.

Sara Hiom, from Cancer Research UK, said "it shows there are a number of things you can do, and there is no one 'superfood' that can stop you developing the disease."

What else to eat

After cancer, patients say they are bombarded with diet sheets. Friends add to the confusion by telling you "I've just read an article that says you should/should not eat X - ranging from tomatoes to strawberries.

Anyone who wants their 15 minutes of fame will announce they have just carried out a survey that says eating grapefruit/apples/meat/milk/nuts or just about anything you name will/won't give you cancer.

I have a nasty suspicious mind. During my cancer journey I had been given diet sheets and advice from six different hospital dieticians. Surprise, surprise - advice sometimes contradicted their colleagues. So now I just eat what I want, which basically follows the usual diet eaten around the Mediterranean. Luckily I do love fruit and veg (sorry to be so smug!). So if you like what is supposed to do you good, go for it!


It's nice to talk to enquiring minds who challenge and investigate eating habits. Michel Montignac was the French scientist who first took on the Canadian research into Low Glycemic Index foods, and developed a diet that has kept French women (and Kylie Minogue) slim for twenty years. It is thanks to him that a lot of sensible dieting is now around, and talking to him over lunch recently I asked him what he is up to now.

"Milk" he said.

He says he couldn't understand why a food that for centuries had been regarded as essential for life, has suddenly been demonised. So he is carrying out detailed research on milk and dairy produce. Although milk doesn't feature so much in a Mediterranean diet, yoghurt is a staple.

He strongly suspects that the problems, allergies etc. that are being reported as being the fault of dairy produce, are in fact caused by the way that today many cows are reared on hormones and anti-biotics, kept indoors all year round, fed on 'made up' foods, etc. He strongly advocates that we don't forsake milk (unless we really have a dairy allergy) but instead change to organic milk.
So far, what I have read about organic milk bears out what he says. In a recently published book 'Eat Your Heart Out', Felicity Lawrence said that "you are what you eat" applies to cows as much as humans. In the past 60 years iron content of milk appears to have dropped by more than 60%, it has lost 2% of calcium and 21% of its magnesium.

On the plus side, if you drink organic milk, a recent study showed that on average, a pint of organic milk contained 68% more omega-3 fatty acids than conventional milk.

In many areas you can still order milk from a milkman - and this can be organic milk. Go on the web to find nearest delivery round, and support this very British industry. If we don't we will soon find that our milk is imported many hundreds of miles in a tanker right across Europe, coming from cows kept indoors all year round and fed on growth-hormones - and we will wonder what happened to our farmers. www.findmeamilkman.net.

Watch this space - Bon Appetit - and try snacking on fruit and veg to add the Mediterranean essentials to your diet.

Top 5 Kinds of Food Anti-Cancer

1. Tomato

Tomato is one of the best sources of vitamin C, can significantly reduce the risk of cancer, especially prostate cancer. Elements in tomatoes can prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease, also can reduce the incidence of prostate cancer. Tomato juice without salt does really good for hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.

Nutrition experts recommend we eat 1 or 2 fresh tomatoes a day for our health.

2. Nuts

Nuts, including peanut and almond fruit, may raise good cholesterol and lower triglycerides in the blood, and prevent heart diseases. Nuts are the essence of plants, rich in proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, can contribute to human growth and development, also can enhance physical fitness and prevent cancers.

Nutrition experts recommend we eat 30 grams a day. But we can not eat too much, or we will be fat.

3. Oat

Moderate daily consumption of oat can lower cholesterol. Oat is rich in fiber and make people feel enough to eat, so can reduce the intake of other greasy food. Daily consumption of 35 grams oats can provide adequate nutrition and maintain long-term vitality.

4. Garlic

Apart from the rich in antioxidants, garlic has recently been found to prevent colon cancer. Japanese scientists found that those who eat garlic daily were less suffering from colon cancer.

Nutrition experts recommend those sedentary white-collar crowd should eat garlic.

5. Red wine

Red wine contains alcohol and tannin, can inhibit bacterial growth. It contains Vitamin C, E, and carotene, has anti-oxidation function, can effectively prevent cataracts, immune barriers, artery atherosclerosis, cardiovascular and cerebral vascular diseases and cancers.

Nutrition experts recommend that moderate consumption of red wine does good to our health, 1-3 cups a day is usually the best.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Alcohol and Cancer

There are mounting evidence that alcohol increases the risk of many type of cancers including mouth cancer, oesophagus, larynx, pharynx, liver (especially in men), and also breast cancer.

Regardless of the type, alcohol consumption increases the risk of cancer. Whether it is in the form of beer, wine or spirits, it is the alcohol itself that does the damage. Our upper-respiratory tract has sensitive tissues that are directly exposed to alcohol; consuming alcohol will cause damage to our body cells and may lead to cancer. After many years, alcoholic liver cirrhosis will eventually develop and will finally lead to liver cancer.

To lower your risk of getting cancer, you should opt to not drink any alcohol at all or if you have to drink, you should drink in moderation only. Moderate drinking differ from men to women. The recommended amount for women is not more than a drink per day; a drink is equal to a bottle or a can of beer (12oz). For men, the recommended amount is an average of not more than 2 standard drinks per day. The different limit for men and women is because men can metabolize alcohol quicker than the women as they have more muscle. Muscle tissue holds more water than fat, so that more alcohol can be diluted. As woman's body has less muscle and more fat, the alcohol will stay in their bloodstream longer than a man's.

Of course, not everyone who drinks alcohol will develop cancer. But, cancer is more common in people who drink alcohol than people who don't drink. People who stop their consumption of alcohol can significantly reduce their cancer risk. Other than reduce your intake of alcohol, you should also eat in moderation, exercise daily and lead a healthy lifestyle.

The Power of Naturals Against Cancer

A couple of days back, the USFDA sent letters to several companies asking them to explain their claims about the efficacy of some alternative medicines in fighting cancer.

Though there still doesn't exist a panacea for treating the disease, some promising reports recently published have raised hopes vis-a-vis the power of naturals in arresting the disease.

How wine could help?

Wine, or rather a constituent of the red wine called "resveratrol" could aid in cancer prevention. The ingredient is actually a part of red grapes from which the red wine is derived.

The researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center have found that it works by inhibiting abnormal cell growth. Abnormal cell growth is a prime characteristic of many forms of breast cancers. Consequently, the wine's powers could be harnessed to possibly prevent breast cancers.

In fact "resveratrol" is also sold as a dietary supplement, but its effectiveness in suppressing abnormal cell growth has come to light only recently.

A natural substance to the rescue

Cancers can sometimes be quite problematic to treat, as they can stop responding to cancer drugs, or even become resistant to them. But a natural substance "argyrin" has been found to destroy the unwanted tumor cells. This discovery has been published in the journal "Cancer Cell," and the research was conducted at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research.

While, research on naturals has shown promise, an advancement has been registered in conventional medicine as well. For instance a compound called "STF-62247" discovered by the Stanford University researchers has been found to selectively damage cancer cells only, rather than target healthy cells too. Since cancer drugs can sometimes harm healthy cell too, this research published in the journal "Cancer Cell," is perhaps just the first step towards developing effective cancer therapy with minimal side effects.

So till the time the science of cancer drugs with less side effects is perfected, the promise of naturals in treating cancer is welcome news for sure.

Calcium and Cancer

The link between calcium, vitamin D and reduction of cancer risk has been the subject of many researches over the past half-century. In the 1950s, scientists examined weather data and health statistics to show that areas with the higher amount of sunshine, a source of vitamin D, had the lowest death rates from colon cancer. Since then, studies in both humans and animals have pointed toward both vitamin D and calcium as having cancer-preventive effects; from prostate cancer to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, but mainly for breast and colon cancers.

Recently, two separate studies published new evidence on the effect of calcium and vitamin D from food or supplement sources as a strong protection from cancer. The first study from Harvard researchers reported that premenopausal women with high levels of vitamin D and calcium in their diets have a lower risk of breast cancer compared to women with lower intakes of these nutrients. The discovery is further supported by the second study which found that dietary supplementation of these nutrients reduces the risk of various types of cancer. These studies provide robust evidence on the beneficial effects of calcium and vitamin D for cancer prevention.

This latest finding can be explained with the theory of 1932 Nobel Prize in Medicine winner, Otto Warburg; cancer is caused by a lack of free oxygen in the body. In order to retain its oxygen, blood must always remain at an alkaline pH 7.4. Adequate mineral consumption in a diet will supply crucial minerals required to maintain this alkalinity; mineral insufficiency will force the body to rob other body fluids to supplement the blood, removing crucial minerals such as calcium, from spinal fluids, liver, kidneys, and saliva to maintain the blood at pH 7.4. The de-mineralized organs and fluids, in turn, become acidic and lacking in oxygen; inducing cancer and a host of other degenerative diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and lupus.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Avastin - Wet Macular Degeneration

Avastin is the brand name for Bevaciumab a monoclonal antibody or an antibody that is an identical clone of a single parent cell. It was approved in 2004 by the FDA for use in the treatment of some cancers and is used as a first or second line treatment for patients.

As the first clinically available angiogenesis inhibitor the United States it inhibits new cancer cells by blocking the growth of blood vessels in pre-existing tumors. A solid, non-liquid, tumor needs to grow additional blood vessels to be able to reach a certain size.

With an angiostatic agent such as Avastin the growth of new blood vessels is slowed stopping the cancer from growing indefinitely. It is usually given every 14 days intravenously in the arm and can be used with other drugs in combination and with intravenous 5-fluorouracil-based chemotherapy.

Developed by Genentech (NYSE: DNA), a leading biotechnology corporation, it is marketed in the United States under the Genentech name and outside the US under Roche.

When it was originally available in 2004 it was only FDA approved for the treatment of many forms of small cell lung cancer and metastatic colon cancer. A metastatic cancer, in this case colon cancer, is a cancer that spreads from one part or organ to another non-adjacent part or organ.

In 2008 the FDA opened up the doors and allowed for the treatment of breast cancer. There are also clinical trials under way to use Avastin for the treatment of non-metastatic colon cancer, metastatic renal cell carcinoma, metastatic breast cancer, metastatic glioblastoma multiform, metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer, metastatic or unresectable locally advanced pancreatic cancer, and metastatic ovarian cancer.

Avastin is also currently being used off-label, the practice of prescribing drugs for a purpose outside the scope of the drug's approved label, for the treatment of wet macular degeneration by some retinal specialists.

Wet macular degeneration or AMD is a condition that causes loss of vision from the growth of abnormal blood vessel choriocapillaries, through Bruch's membrane. This eventually leads to blood and protein leaking below the macula, an oval spot near the middle of the retina in the human eye. With AMD rapid, often irreversible vision loss can occur through the leaking, bleeding and scaring of the blood vessels if left untreated.

Dr. Philip J Rosenfeld, MD, PhD of the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute conducted a study that showed positive results for the treatment of AMD with Avastin. According to Dr. Rosenfeld's study Avastin improved vision in as little as one week for patients treated for AMD.

For AMD treatment Avastin is used in very low amounts by retinal specialists. They usually have a pharmacists transfer the drug from the original vile to a pre-filled needles containing single doses. The specialists will then usually treat the patient in their own office.

As with any drug it is always best to talk to your doctor or pharmacist before starting any treatment.

Natural Remedies Explored - Cancer

Another very serious subject and not to be dealt with glibly, so I will not be making bold claims about a cure all.

It seems that cancerous cells are present in all of us but when our immune system fails to kill these cells they multiply rapidly.

Our immune systems needs a good diet to be able to function correctly and it is for this reason why scientists recommend 5 helpings of fresh fruit and veg a day:

* Poor levels of vitamin C have been linked with cancer of the oesophagus, larynx and the cervix.
* Cervical cancer has also been associated with low levels of folate and vit B6.
* Low levels of beta carotene are linked with cancer of the larynx, lung, stomach, large bowel and the bladder.
* Fibre is thought to be vital protection against cancer of the colon, rectum, prostate, uterus and breast.

The theme that seems to apply to all health problems is a good diet, which is based on a moderate intake of unrefined complex carbohydrates, moderate amount of protein, low amounts of saturated fat, plenty of fresh fruit and veg.

Berries contain ellargic acid, gallic acid, flavonoids, tannins, phenolic acid and lignans all of which, are thought to fight against the development of cancer. I am not sure if we are talking about every type of berry or a combination of different berries here, most likely the latter. Phenolic compounds from Blueberries apparently limit cancer cells ability to multiply and can also kill them.

Certain mushrooms apparently suppress oestrogen production, especially in post menopausal women. I have read a claim that 60% of pre-menopausal women and 75 % of post menopausal women with breast cancer had excess oestrogen, which had triggered the cancer. The mushrooms contain a phytochemical called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). This inhibits the protein that makes oestrogen. If you know the name of the mushrooms containing the CLA please let me know. Since I first wrote this I have read up some more and looked at a few forums. It seems a number of mushrooms are quite useful for varying reasons, but I still cannot find a source to confirm which mushrooms contain CLA.

Selenium is a very important antioxidant. In some countries, such as the UK, levels of selenium in the soil are very poor. Therefore it would seem important to supplement the diet. Brazil nuts are a good natural source of the mineral.

* Pomegranates - research has shown the juice maybe able to prevent prostate cancer.
* Red grapefruit contains lycopene, as do tomatoes and sweet red peppers, which is a potent antioxidant. Grapefruit is also a good source of limonoids and vitamin C, both shown to have anticancer properties.

As I said earlier cancer is a very serious subject and I feel loathed to make claims about natural cures for the condition. Personally I rather prefer to talk about doing everything we can to prevent cancer from developing in the first place. Herbs play a strong role in this but you may wish to look at this site if you unfortunately do have cancer. I have no association with the site.

Please feel free to discuss your experiences with me.

What I Would Do If I Had Cancer

The benefits and real breakthroughs in cancer have been well documented over the years. Sadly, the medical/pharmaceutical establishment have ignored or quashed them: The pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know about these cheap, natural and non-toxic methods that can cure. They fear that their business would be greatly compromised if cancer sufferers or the public at large found out.

The governments, who rake in huge revenues from ineffective and potentially harmful cancer treatment through the pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know either. The press are by paid off by their main sponsors, the medical/pharmaceutical establishment and the governments to suppress information relating to these real natural cancer breakthroughs and cures. Consequently, many people remain ignorant through a lack of information related to all this and die of cancer.

I have written much material, touting the benefits of these natural approaches to cancer healing and I guess it is therefore a fair question to forward put to me: What would I do if I had cancer?

The first comment I would like to make is that I consider myself to be taking the reasonable precautionary measures that I have written about in my other articles and ebooks. However, this is what I would do.

The first thing I would do after the doc tells me the bad news is get a second opinion. If this confirms the first finding, then next, I would ask if there's anything that needs to be done immediately. For example, I would find out if an emergency operation was needed to remove a tumour that could be doing some serious damage by blocking a duct or obstructing blood supply...

If no immediate surgery were necessary, then I would flatly refuse orthodox medicine's treatment of chemotherapy or radiation. I wouldn't allow myself to be coaxed, cajoled or bullied into receiving this treatment. I have done my research on this and I'm convinced that these treatments are illogical, barbaric and should be redundant: They can do more harm than good, particularly chemotherapy.

Next I would take up the strict dietary regime called 'metabolic nutritional therapy.' This involves eating good wholesome organic food, including the juicing of raw vegetables and some fruit in between meals. I'd make sure that my meals would be full of vitamins C, E, A, B15 and last but not least get plenty of Vitamin B17. A good supply of vitamin B17 can be got form of apricot kernels. I would make sure of getting a good diet of greens, mushrooms garlic and onions for my much needed supplies of zinc, selenium and calcium. Magnesium is another important anti-cancer mineral I would make sure I'm getting.

I'd be out in the sun regularly for about 30 minutes a day making sure I get my supply of vitamin D that way and exercise regularly. I'd make sure I get plenty of good mineral water.

In addition to the above, each day, I would use Bob Beck's blood electrification treatment and colloidal silver. If you don't know what this is, then I strongly suggest that you look it up in the Google.

Not sinking into victim consciousness, I would make a real commitment to having a positive outlook on life.

Finally, in conjunction with my nutritional and Beck's blood electrifier therapists I would find a place where my cancer progress could be monitored, using instruments such as infrared thermography. This is chosen because it is reliable and has no side effects unlike the orthodox medical methodologies.

I would be careful to avoid: Dairy products, meat, processed and fried foods, refined and artificial sugar, too many caffeinated drinks, too much alcohol, no smoking or no contact with smoke, unclean water and fluoride containing toothpaste. I would also avoid chemical laced toiletries.

A few words of warning...
This was written as a guideline and for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for the trusted advice and direction of fully qualified health professionals, who you should consult for diagnosis, treatment and medical attention at all times.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Why Regular Reexamination After Cancer is Cured?

For most diseases, you may not see a doctor any more when you have been cured. But cancer is an exception. When a patient was discharged from hospital, he has always been told to have a regular reexamination. Why?

Results of cancer treatment are divided into four types: cure, improvement, stability and deterioration. Cure generally refers to completely eradicating tumor cells through surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy in the early or mid-term. However, the most important thing to test the treatment is time, for example, five-year survival rate or ten-year survival rate. The emergence of tumor is slow, and the development is covert, it is very difficult for people to find out that. It can be discovered via CT or B-mode ultrasonography only when abundant tumor cells assemble and take shape.

After the clinical treatment, it will take a period of time to find out the recurrence of a mass transfer if there are residual cancer cells. That's one of the reasons why patients should have a regular reexamination after be cured. In addition, many cancer recurrence can be cured if found in time, which may prove the necessity of regular reexamination. Patients should know some symptoms and signs of tumor metastasis and recurrence when they are discharged from hospital, so they can go back to the hospital for an examination immediately when these situations arise. Treatment such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy have certain side effects, including the near- and long-term harm, some symptoms can be reduced through the reexamination and treatment. Additionally post-operative complications may occur, and can be found through reexamination, then can be dealt with in time to promote rehabilitation.

Children As Young As Eight Using Sunbeds

Children as young as eight are using sunbeds in Britain, the consumer watchdog Which? has revealed today.

Its survey of over 1,000 eight to 15-year-olds found that three per cent had used a sunbed - equivalent to around 170,000 children in Britain.

Further interviews with 47 16- to 17-year-olds found that 13 per cent had used a sunbed.

Young people using sunbeds increase their risk of a life-threatening form of skin cancer.

A recent report from the International Agency for Research into Cancer found that people who use sunbeds before the age of 35 increase their risk of malignant melanoma by over seven times.

The Sunbed Association (TSA) instructs its members to ban under 16s and to advise people with type one skin to avoid sunbeds, but its membership covers only a quarter of the UK's 6,000 salons, and other salons are not regulated at all.

The World Health Organisation advises that under 18s, fair-skinned people and people with a lot of freckles or moles should never use sunbeds.

Despite these guidelines Which? found that many staff are failing to warn potential sunbed users about the associated health risks.

The watchdog sent undercover researchers to ten salons. All ten said someone with very pale skin could use a sunbed and just three gave a verbal warning about the risks.

A government review is currently underway on possible regulation of the sunbed industry and a proposed public health bill in Scotland includes measures to improve staff training.

Which? editor Neil Fowler described the number of children using sunbeds as "shocking".

"Without regulation, the industry needs to be responsible about protecting those most at risk, but staff at the salons we visited failed to give adequate health warnings," he added.

"We're pleased to see that the government is looking at this issue. And in the meantime if you can't live without a tan, consider faking it with a bottle rather than putting your health at risk."

Commenting on the research, Rebecca Russell, Cancer Research UK's SunSmart campaign manager, said it is "extremely shocking" to learn that eight-year-olds are using sunbeds.

"This example of poor industry practice is exactly why Cancer Research UK is calling on the government to introduce legislation to regulate the industry," she added.

"Tighter control of the industry will help to ensure that children are protected from putting themselves at an increased risk of skin cancer and that adults who choose to use sunbeds themselves are made fully aware of the risks."

The Key to Early Prevention and Treatment of Cancer

For cancer treatment and prevention, we advocate the "three early": early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment. Early symptoms of cancer are not obvious, mainly must be found by professional inspection. Once there are symptoms, most of the cancers are in intermediate stage or terminal stage.

In recent years, the incidence of cancer was significantly increasing. 90% of the early cancers have no obvious symptoms, may not be found unless checked by professional doctors in specialist hospital. Unfortunately, most cancer patients went to the hospital to see a doctor when symptoms appeared, when cancer has developed into intermediate stage or terminal stage at that time, and they lost the best treatment opportunity. Previously, cancers mostly occurred in older groups, but in the past 20 years, cancer incidence age was 15-20 years ahead of time, and the 35-55 age group has been the major incidence groups.

For cancer treatment and prevention, we advocate the "three early": early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment. The medical examination of cancer is the effectual means to find early cancer. Not everyone will be suffering from cancer, but we recommend that people should have at least one medical examination annually. To the people who have a family history of cancer, it is very necessary to have 4 medical examinations annually.

There are three groups need to do preventive medical examination:

1. Someone suffered from cancer among the direct relatives.
2. People over 45 years old.
3. Find some carcinogenesis factors.

What is Bone Cancer?

Someone telling you that you have cancer is one of the most horrible things one can hear. Just thinking about all the problems that can come up and how long treatment takes can affect not only the person who has it, but also the people around them. However, the scariest part of cancer is that there are so many types of it out there, and people might not even know anything about them. Yes, everyone knows the main ones like lung, breast and brain cancer, but what about the other not so common ones. Bone cancer is one such example and is a type that is often overlooked, but it's never too early for us to become informed about it.

More than 2,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with bone cancer or a bone tumor each year. The tumors often occur in children and adolescents more than it occurs in adults. If an adult does have bone cancer, it's most likely because the disease has spread from another area in the body.

There are several types of bone cancer and the most common is called Osteosarcoma. Osteosarcoma is primarily a malignant form of the cancer occurring mainly in males between 10 to 25 years of age. The cancer forms in the long bones of the arm and legs at time of rapid growth rate.

Another form of bone caner is Ewing's sarcoma. This is the most aggressive form of bone cancer and occurs in children between 4 to 15 years of age. It is more common in males but rarely occurs if they are over 30 years old.

Chondrosarcoma is the second most common form of bone cancer. It accounts for about 25% of all malignant bone tumors. However, what is interesting about this form of cancer is that it is most commonly found in adults over 40 years old. It is most commonly found in males and has a tendency to spread to the lungs. It occurs in the hips and pelvis.

These types of bone cancer are the more common forms although there are several more types which are not covered here. Cancer is becoming increasingly hard to diagnose because there are just so many different types of it. In addition, it's actually quite difficult to know where to look for it. However, the more we know about the different types of cancer, the more easier it is for us to recognize them when they occur and to take early remedial action to arrest or eradicate this deadly disease. Earlier positive intervention can increase our chances for an early recovery and a higher survival rate.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Brain Cancer Symptoms

Brain cancer accounts for about 1.4% of all cancer cases and about 2.4% of all cancer deaths. This may not seems like a lot but don't let the numbers fool you on the severity of brain cancer. Once the cancer turns malignant, the tumors grow aggressively and overpower the healthy cells taking up their space, blood and nutrients. This is an area of grave concern because the brain is the most important part of your body and controls everything. Whenever there is something wrong with your brain, it affects the entire body. Knowing what the brain cancer symptoms are and able to recognize these symptoms is incredibly important for our prognosis and survival from this deadly disease.

The biggest problem with brain cancer and brain tumors is that their symptoms are often nonspecific making it is very difficult to know if you have it or not, unless you are seriously looking for it. The most common symptoms of brain cancer are headaches, general weaknesses, difficulty in walking, clumsiness and seizures. Other more serious symptoms include difficulty with speech, abnormal vision, nausea, vomiting, quick emotional changes, and an altered mental state. An altered mental state can include changes in concentration, memory, intellectual capacity, attention and alertness.

Several different factors can cause these symptoms. Some of these symptoms are caused by the tumor pressing on different parts of the brain and impairing them from functioning properly. The symptoms can also be caused by the swelling of the brain, the tumor or the area around the tumor. Unfortunately, these brain cancer symptoms usually develop very slowly and gradually over time and this makes it really difficult for anyone to confirm the existence of this deadly disease. For instance, people often think that a headache is just a headache or that the dizziness felt is due to any other reasons except cancer. If these symptoms occur frequently and very rapidly, you should definitely visit your doctor to see what the problem is.

The doctors will often make you take a CT scan if they feel you have brain cancer. A CT scan is like an x-ray except in shows the brain in three-dimensions. A harmless dye is usually injected into your bloodstream to make abnormalities more visible in the CT scan. Other tests include blood tests, liver tests, urine tests and blood coagulation profiles. MRI scans are sometimes used instead of CT scans. The reason for this is because MRI has a better ability to assess the changes in a tumor.

Brain cancer is an incredibly serious form of cancer and it is important for us to know what these brain cancer symptoms are so that we can take necessary action to arrest the situation early. If you suspect you are suffering or are suffering from these symptoms, please consult your doctor early to ascertain your actual medical condition. If brain cancer is confirmed, discuss with your doctor for an appropriate course of treatment best suited for you. An early intervention increases your chances for an early recovery and a prolonged survival.

Cancer Prevention

Antioxidants are substances that may protect cells from the unstable molecules known as free radicals. Free radicals are molecules with incomplete electron shells, making them unstable. Free radical formation can be caused by various environmental exposures, including cigarette smoke, radiation, and surgery. This situation may lead to cancer if the body lacks the necessary antioxidants or is too overrun with free radicals.

In humans, the most common type of free radical is oxygen. When oxygen molecules becomes electrically charged or "radicalized," it tries to steal electrons from other molecules, causing damage to DNA and other molecules. These free radicals can be neutralized by antioxidants donating their electrons to stabilize them. Antioxidants themselves possess the special quality to be able to lose its electrons without becoming free radicals themselves. Considerable laboratory evidence indicates antioxidants may slow or prevent the development of cancer.

There are currently six classes of free radicals linked to chronic illnesses such as cancer. They are referred to as reactive oxygen species (ROS). The ORAC (oxygen radical absorption capacity) scale was developed to measure the capacities of antioxidants against free radicals. The test is used extensively in scientific research, and is used by the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging.

Antioxidants are abundant in fruits and vegetables, as well as in other foods such as grains, nuts, and select meats, poultry, and fish.The ORAC test gives the values of fruits and vegetables. The higher the score, the better to fight free radicals. Simply stated, antioxidants obtained from a healthy diet can effectively fight free radicals. However, being that there are thousands of free radical families and that no one single antioxidant can neutralize all of them, it is of extreme importance to eat a wide variety of different, brightly colored fruits and vegetables. This is something that barely 17 percent of Americans do. What percentage are you in?

The Cause and the Cause and Prevention of Cancer

The main cause of cancer particularly because of internal factors:

External factors:

Chemical carcinogens such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (mainly exists in the modern industrial and modern transport emissions and cigarettes, Xunkao food); aromatic amines and azo dyes category (stored in the textile printing and dyeing, cosmetics); Asia Glass amines (widespread in the food system), metals (asbestos-containing products containing chromium compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons of high, which can be carcinogenic).

Physical factors, such as ionizing radiation (including medical and occupational exposure); long-term exposure, such as the sun.

Biological factors, such as Aflatoxin (found in mouldy peanuts, corn); virus (human herpes virus, EB virus, hepatitis B virus, etc.); parasites (Xixue Chong, etc.).

Internal factors:

The lower immune function;
Large, long-term hormone;
Nervous system disorders (mental and emotional tension in long-term poor, to endocrine disorders);
Genetic factors (liver cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, and other families with a genetic phenomenon).


Reduce chronic stimulation: stop smoking, avoid drinking alcohol, eat too hot and provocative-food.
Infection control: prevention and treatment of hepatitis B and schistosomiasis, and other cancer-related diseases.
The timely treatment of precancerous lesions: such as chronic ulcers, chronic atrophic gastritis, such as colon polyps.
Avoid eating food containing carcinogenic substances: if mouldy peanuts, grain, salted products, preservatives.
The consumption of vitamin-rich large number of A, B, C and E of food: fresh vegetables from the main intake.

A balanced diet: fresh multi-fiber foods, to avoid.
Develop long-term the good habit of tea drinking, especially green tea.
Attention to personal hygiene: to maintain mood, appropriate exercise, avoid the use of carcinogenic substances in cosmetics, hair dyes, and so on.
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